Wolf Talk

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Killian stood there with his mouth wide open as he stared at me.

It was like he was awe-struck. I could see his eyes twinkling and it made my heart race. It felt like his reaction came from seeing me as if all his excitement was for me.

And as he continued to do that I panicked and said 'Hi' to him.

But as soon as I did, he got even more excited. It was like he was a little kid who finally got a game he's been begging for ages. His eyes twinkled and he jumped in excitement.

His wolf bound towards me, a rush of energy and joy in every graceful leap. My heart weirdly warmed at the sight while a soft smile was on his lips.

He closed the distance between us. The air seemed to hum with excitement as his movements became a dance of happiness. It was as if he had found his world or something.

As he reached me, he began to circle around me and I moved my head to watch him, my wolf was happy to see him and she watched him circle us in joy.

I was nervous and my heart was racing but he looked so happy. I wanted to say something, this was the only form I could actually speak in, may it only be through mind-linking.

'Amara,' I was a little startled when he spoke in my mind first, 'You're so beautiful!' His compliment made my heart skip a beat and I felt shy.

'Thank you?' I was so nervous, I worded my thanks like a question.

'I mean it,' He came and stood directly in front of me, 'You're the most gorgeous wolf I've seen in my entire life,' My heart did a flip, 'No one can ever compare to you.' He moved further towards me and I got anxious.

I knew he wanted to be closer and my wolf wanted it but as he came closer and tried to join his forehead with mine, I turned my head away.

My action left him bewildered but he didn't say anything. He already knows how things are between us.

'I'm going to shift back.' My wolf whined as soon as I said that. She had the upper hand in this form but that's exactly why I couldn't allow it.

He nodded at me and I stared at him for a while. When he didn't get the hint, I had to say it, 'Turn around.'

'OH!' He turned away and I found a secluded spot to change my clothes. I shifted back first, then went to get my bag and the clothes that were lying on the grass. I glanced at him every now and then as I changed and although he didn't look, his ears twitched every time the sound of my clothes rustling reached him.


I shook my head at him.

As I focused on changing and was almost done, a sudden, primal growl shattered the peaceful atmosphere.


Panic surged through me like a jolt of electricity and I pulled my tights up in a frenzy.

I turned towards the source of the sound. Emerging from the underbrush, a massive tiger materialized out of nowhere, its eyes fixed on me with predatory intensity. Killian hadn't noticed him yet since he was far from me and probably out of the growl's range. Plus predators can be awfully stealthy.

My heart raced, every beat echoing in my ears as I realized the imminent danger I was in. But before I could react, the tiger lunged at me, a blur of tawny fur and feral power and I knew I had to scream.

'Killian-' I lip synced his name as the beast's impact knocked the air from my lungs as I was thrown to the ground, the impact reverberating through my body as it pounced on me with speed.


Fear was a fierce wildfire that consumed my thoughts as I struggled beneath the weight of the tiger's force. My mind raced, seeking a way out of this nightmare, but the claws and weight of the predator held me captive. Panic tightened its grip, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I fought against the relentless predator.

I tried to struggle and push it off. I wanted to call out to Killian but not having a voice only resulted in worsening my emotions.

The tiger bore its sharp fangs at me, ready to take a bite when a blur of movement caught my eye, and right the next second a third beast tackled the tiger off of me.

Their clash was a collision of primal forces, of tooth and claw echoing through the air. Killian and the big tiger fought each other like the beasts they were while I stood up in a frenzy.

Oh God! OH GOD! That was scary!!!

I moved away from them and then turned to look at them fighting. They were constantly moving up and down each other, roaring and clawing their opponent.

The ferocity of the battle was almost mesmerizing, a raw display of power that both frightened and captivated me and I sort of couldn't help but take out my sketchbook and draw them. Killian seemed to have an upper hand and he was pounding the tiger and for some reason, I could tell he would win.

Their movements were fast and I had to be faster to capture them. I hurried up and folded to an empty page, then began to draw the lines with the charcoal but I had only yet started when I heard a scream in my head.


I really didn't think this through, I should have made my escape but seeing Killian pound that tiger made me sure I would be fine and he'd win but an unexpected twist happened.

The tiger got away from Killian's grasp. It pushed Killian away, throwing him in the opposite direction, and then lunged at me once again. The moment I saw that, I panicked and tried to get up, but halfway through, the beast got to me, pushing my body and trying to hurt me. I tried to fight back with my stuff still in my hands but in the midst of their struggle which happened in midair, I was knocked to the side, the force of the impact propelling me towards the edge of the hill.

My world spun as I tumbled over the edge, my cries of alarm drowned by the rush of the wind.

'AMARA!!!' Killian was coming after the beast and me, he didn't waste a second but he still couldn't catch me or the beast as we went rolling down the hill.

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