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He stared at me for a second, he was about to speak and opened his mouth for it, then closed it. I watched him in confusion as he raised his hands.

What is he going to do? Why is he raising his hands in the air?

But what he did caught me off guard. It was something I never would have even dreamed of.

'For you,' He answered in sign language, making all of me freeze, 'I learned it for you. So that I could talk to you.'

'Me?' I couldn't believe it, 'Why would you learn it for me?' And I ended up asking a dumb question, in a dumb manner, looking dumb stuck because his words just didn't process in my mind. For me, it was so unbelievable, I didn't think it was possible.

All my life I had seen Dad from far away, so could I even think about it?

"Why of course," Dad let out a cute smirk, "Obviously so that I could talk to you. Because you're my daughter, I wanted to be able to have a conversation with you, if the opportunity ever arrived." He smiled softly and shivers went down my body, "Well, I'm glad it finally did." My skin stood up and a wave of cold air seeped into my veins.

The initial emotion that washed over me was a profound sense of validation. In a world where verbal communication often takes precedence, the acknowledgment that my father was willing to step into my world, to learn a language of hands and expressions just so he could talk to me one day was... something beyond words.

And this time, I couldn't control it, my tears came gushing out.

The loneliness that often accompanied my muteness, the sense of being on the outskirts of conversations, began to dissipate.

As I absorbed the news, a poignant mix of emotions unfurled within me—joy, because I now had a shared language with my father that transcended the limitations of speech. Relief, because the burden of being never understood felt lighter; and a deep-seated sense of connection, one that I had always fantasized about having with my father even though whenever I thought about it, I knew it was impossible.

"Hey..." Dad scooted near and pulled me in a hug, "That's not a reason to cry..."

But I couldn't stop myself.

Dad wouldn't know what this means to me. He could never. No one can and so, because of the same reason, no one could be as happy as I was at the moment.

Because, even though I thought it was impossible, yet, here I was, having a conversation with him, only because he thought I was someone important enough to learn a language for.

I hugged him back.

I always craved it. The love of a father and I wondered how it would feel to be near him.

I snuggled next to him.

It was nice to have experienced this.


'Are you alright?' I asked Dad and he took a deep breath.

"I'm not sure," Both of us were standing near the hospital exit, in the lobby. We couldn't leave because patients weren't allowed to leave the hospital after dark, "I don't think I'm ready," He looked down, "It's still hard to accept that I actually don't have my son anymore..."

I stared at him.

We were both standing here because I told Grace I came back and she said she'd come to pick me up since she wanted to go back to the Alma mansion and get something she forgot there.

I poked his arm and he looked at me, 'You don't have to force yourself.' I said, 'I can wait for her alone, you can talk to Grace when you feel like you're ready.'

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now