Unexpected sea creature

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My heart felt heavy with guilt and regret as I watched Asher stand by the riverbank, the glistening water reflecting the light of day, his hands submerged in the cool embrace of the stream. The crimson stains that had marred his hands, now mingled with the river's gentle current, slowly dissolving away.

As I observed him, remorse gnawed at me. It was a moment of uncontrolled fear and panic that had led me to claw at his hands, to leave those painful marks. I knew I hurt him, and the weight of my actions bore down on me.

But I was really scared. He was so on point with his deductions that I couldn't keep myself calm. I pursed my lips as my chest felt queasy.

His face remained stoic, his gaze fixed on his hands as if lost in thought and I wondered.

How did he know? Did he see me and Romano in the hallway? No... He came back pretty late at night so I doubt he saw that and I didn't even interact with my family at the opening party, so how did he come to this conclusion!?!

I was crouching down on the grass, a little distance away from him, pretending to look at the water while I was secretly looking at him.

I want to ask about it but it would be better to change the topic while we're at it and not talking. I'll talk about something else and divert his attention and when we're completely off topic, I'll take the time and get out of here. I'm done with what I originally came to do anyway.

I looked at the water, this time seriously, while thinking about what to talk about.

That's when something in the water caught my eye.

"Oh?" I noticed something funny in the water, "What is that?" I reached out for it and grabbed a thick flaccid flaccid-looking thing.

"Be careful," Asher said, "The water in the forest isn't always safe."


My heart jumped in glee.

OH! He's talking to me! That means he isn't that mad, right?!? I glanced at him, his facial expressions were still stoic though, so I guess he was a little mad.

"This looks harmless though," I picked it out of the water, it had a skinish color and was soft with a dark hole at the top of the curve at one end, "What is this though."

Asher glanced at it, "Looks like a sea cucumber,"

"Sea cucumber?" If it's a sea cucumber why is it in a river? And why does it look like a dick? I turned it up and down, gently stroking the thing, wondering if it had any reaction.

I turned the hole towards me.

Is this the mouth-?!


I was startled when a white gooey thing shot out its hole making its way towards me and got splattered on

I still kept the flaccid thing in my hand out of shock but felt disgusted as the goo got on my skin, "What the hell!?!?" I looked at Asher, "What the hell just happened?!?!"

Asher's face turned a little pale, then I saw the corners of his ears turn a little red.


He gulped, his eyes wide as he kept looking at me, almost as if he was in a trance, then he took out his phone and shot a picture of me.

"What are you doing?!" I threw the sea creature back into the river and stood up, trying to wipe away the stuff on my face, but my face went pale when I realized it was sticky and not coming off easily. I started rubbing my sleeve harder on it, grabbing the slick thing to get it off me, "Why is it so sticky?!?!"

Asher came over, "I'll help," He started helping with the stuff on my face and I got the feeling that something wasn't right. My wolf started to calm down all of a sudden as if I had done something right for it and my body started acting weird.

"You know, these are guts." He said while peeling off the white sticky guts off my skin.

"Huh?" I was utterly bewildered, "Guts?!"

"Yes," He replied as he kept helping, "It's their self-defense mechanism" He paused for a moment, "And they come out of their anus."


I felt disgusted, "Ew..." I felt so bad all of a sudden. And here I was, directly looking at its butt hole?!?! I should never have picked up such a weird-looking thing! The only reason I did this was to have something to say to Asher and diminish the tense atmosphere between us.

I let out a sigh and looked down while dropping a gut noodle I just peeled from my face.

"Excuse me?" It was then that I noticed it, and my eyes went wide, "Why is your dick bulging?" I was so confused at the moment because of the whole situation, that it took me a moment to realize what was going on in his pants, "Why the hell are you hard?!?!?"

My yelling made him embarrassed but he didn't say anything in his defense.

"Asher?!?!" I looked up and glared at him.

He grabbed the last bit of the white sticky gut and pulled it off, then showed me a picture on his phone.

It was a picture he just took of me and my eyes went wide when I looked at it.

OH, LORD....

I couldn't say anything else after that. On the contrary, my cheeks flushed in embarrassment and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

It looked like such a lewd scene. With that flaccid thing in both my hands and the white sticky guts on my face, it looked like a scene right out of a porno.

My heartbeat sped up.

Oh God...

I should never have picked the thing from the water!! What the hell!?!??! KILL ME!!!

I felt my breathing start to get weird and the humiliation kicked in hard.

"You better wash your face, the guts can be toxic," I glanced at Asher, the tips of his ears were red and his face was excited


It made my heart skip a beat and I looked away

"Okay," I walked towards the water and began to wash it thoroughly. An awkward tension took place between us again and I found my heart beating loudly.

Oh God... NO...

What is happening?!? How could the situation get even worse?!?!?

I felt sweat form on the back of my neck and my forehead.

The first time we kissed this didn't happen. I was angry then and I got to my senses back when I felt his bulge but this time I only saw it trying to burst through his pants and I'm feeling hot?

Does this make sense?!?

I gently touched my cheeks with cold hands and felt the temperature of my skin rising.

Author's Bullshit

Today's ch was inspired by ab Instagram reel I saw

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora