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Asher pulled me closer, making me climb up his thighs and I took my place on a sensitive part where I could not help but rub against which created an inexpressible pleasure that made my breathing more rapid and heavy.

I was losing myself, my mind was filled with purple thoughts.

"Nico!" Asher let out a soft groan and then grabbed my waist, "Stop," Suddenly, my waist was raised, "I need an answer first!"

I looked at him through a foggy vision but it was also then I felt his already dangerously hard thing press in between my legs, followed by a low and hoarse growl.

"What?" I had almost lost all of my mind and all I wanted was his thing inside of me. I was dying for it, I was craving it. I looked down again after answering him.

"You're a male omega?" His voice carried confusion but that was understandable. Male omegas are considered a myth and I would never admit to it normally, but I wasn't in a normal situation.

"Yes," I had my focus on the bugle in his pants, "I am," That swelling of desire exploded within my body, obliterating my last trace of reasoning. I didn't even want this to happen but damn...I can't handle this anymore, it was all too much for me to handle.

It made me pass out the first time but this time I know that won't happen since Asher is right next to me.

But, even in this situation, I would never want anyone else.

I only want him.

Asher Blair,

"Do you want to have sex with me?" He asked, catching the little bit of my attention that was left.

"Mmmm," I answered.

"Look at me," He moved his hands and made me look at him and once my eyes were on him, he spoke again, "Tell me," His breathing was heavy, it seemed like he was panting.


He was aroused,

"Do you want to sleep with me?" I could see the excitement on his face. I mean it was enough sign to see his pants almost bursting but looking at the excited face made butterflies go wild in my stomach.

All of my rational thinking seemed to go extinct and all I wanted was him.

An instinctive impulse burst from my nerves to my fingertips. All the while, he kept his eyes on me. I moved my hands and grabbed his thing. "Asher, make love to me..." I closed my eyes and rubbed my ears against his face like a tamed kitten, "Please," I choked out with emotions again.

Asher gulped, I felt his warm breath on me, "And what if you run away again?" There was a tremor in his voice, "You're like this because of your heat, what if you leave me after it finishes."

"I won't!!!" I replied, "Just...quickly have me"

"Promise?" He asked, "I'm going to mark you if we're going to go through with this." He placed his hand on my nape and slid his fingers up and down, "I'm going to claim you as my own and I won't let you leave, ever,"

"Do it!!" I replied, "Mark me!" I moved closer to face, brushing my lips against his, "Mate with me," I moved my hands down there, "Please, hurry up," As soon as my voice fell, Asher''s body suddenly moved. His heavy body fell towards me, pressing me down.

His hand stroked my legs from bottom to top, "One final time," He looked down at me, "Answer me one final time," It seemed like he was at his limit too.

After all, the cave was now filled with my pheromones, there was no way another wolf wouldn't go into rut after smelling all of that.

"Are you really going to do this?" He asked but I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't even feel any shame anymore. I merely closed my eyes as I hugged his neck tightly and I trembled all over.

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now