Bad weather

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We both awkwardly walked in the forest looking at opposite sides.

Neither one of us said anything and I don't know what was going on in Asher's mind but mine was filled with fear. Not just any kind of fear, this one was very specific.

What is happening to me?!?

Why does my body feel this hot?!?!

I wanted to deny it. I kept shaking my head in denial but just denying it wasn't making the temperature of my body drop

Oh No...

It can't be

I gulped

Am I going into heat? Am I? Really? But that can't be... No...

I pursed my lips in horror as I subconsciously kept following Asher to wherever he was taking me. Clouds rumbled in the sky and the blue sky was soon shadowed by the dark fluffs.

Is this what it feels like when an omega is going into heat?

My eyes wandered around, looking at nothing in particular.

The thing is, to prove to the world that I wasn't an abomination and a male omega, I've always been given medicine. So, I've never had a heat cycle before. I took my medicine before entering the forest too just in case as well.

So why?

Why is this happening?

My heart started pounding and I opened my bag to get the pill box out. I took out a capsule and swallowed it.

It should help! It always has!

"The weather is looking bad," Asher said, "I won't be able to hunt in this weather and I doubt you'll be able to get anything to draw." He kept walking and I didn't pay attention to anything he was saying, "The forest can get extremely dangerous during the rain, even worse when there's a rain storm." He spared me a glance to see if I was listening and when he noticed I wasn't he turned away and didn't say anything after that.

We just kept walking as the wind picked up speed. I was so lost in thoughts of my own I didn't notice where we were going and I didn't come to my senses till the time the water droplets started dropping on my skin.

"Oh! Shit!"

The weather took a sudden turn for the worse, unleashing a torrential downpour that soaked the forest around us.


What the hell!?!? When did the weather get like this?!?

Caught off guard by the sudden deluge, Asher and I exchanged hurried glances, our expressions mirroring a mix of surprise and dismay.

"We're almost there!" He said as he started running.

"Almost where?"

"The cave!" He yelled and I wondered if he talked about this while I was lost in my thoughts, "Come on!" The rain pounded down on us, saturating our clothes and plastering our hair to our skin.

Luckily, Asher was already taking us towards shelter, so we reached it within a few minutes.

"There!" He pointed at something and amidst the chaos, I spotted a dark opening in the rock formation ahead – a cave. It seemed like our best chance to escape the storm's fury. So, without hesitation, we sprinted toward the shelter it offered. Our breaths came in ragged gasps as we reached the entrance, ducking into the cave just as lightning split the sky with an electric crack.


My skin stood up as the sky rumbled loudly and my heart skipped a beat.

My God...

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now