➢ C͖͎h͓̺̻a̡̟͓p̢͎͜t͙͚̦e͙̻r̡̡̙ 25

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"NO." I just said, my voice cold as I looked into her face, the only thing I was feeling towards her being disgust.

"In that case, you will be one of the most searched criminals soon and there will be a pretty 'red notice' stamp on your file soon." She answered and chuckled.

And then it hit me. My parents could've never done all that alone. They never could've had all the information about all the agents without the help of an insider.
Lorian Dennis wasn't looking for that insider. She was the insider.
My parents had to be in the hands of the secret service of London in that moment, which meant, in Lorian Dennis' hands.
No one would've expected the literal boss of the secret service to be working with psychotic terrorists who were planning to blow up the city that the agency was supposed to protect. It then would be an easy thing for her to just escape before the city gets blown up, get a new identity and have a new life with money that was gained out of the deaths of multiple people in a city that would be even more contaminated with criminals than it had been before and they'd live like kings and queens, ruling over a city full of people who didn't follow rules.

That's what the prospect of power and wealth does to people. It makes them hungry for more.  It's an Hunger that they can't still because they will always be want more. One day they'll want  to own a own store and the next they'll want to rule the world.
And they won't stop. Not until the world is standing in flames and there isn't anything left for them to rule.

"You need someone to blame." I whispered and she smiled.

"Yes. And I suppose that the Shadow Atlas' daughter will do a good job in doing that when she will be charged with aid in multiple cases of murder and aid in escape, when the Shadow Atlas escaped." She added and her smile got even brighter as she started clapping.
"Congrats, to you, Agent Johnson. For multiple years of serving to our county. I remember when you joined us, you were still a kid. But god, you already were better than many of my agents." She announced and chuckled.
"I'm sad that our work together has come to an end but I'll be glad to finish your last mission for you."

"What." I stuttered but I was too slow to react and I watched Dennis pull out her gun.
"No!" I yelled as she pulled the trigger, the familiar sound of a bullet shooting through the air filling my ears before it made contact with someone's flesh.
As I quickly turned my head to look, I saw something I didn't expect.
Jason with a hand on his stomach, shaking as blood dropped onto the floor.
He was standing in front of Timothée, who had a shocked expression on his face as he stared at my ex boss.

"Fuck." She mumbled as soon as she realized that she had missed. Timothée ran to catch Jason, who was tumbling to the ground.

"TIM-" I yelled again to keep him from doing exactly that so he wouldn't get into the line of fire.
Until the sound of a bullet cut through the air again.
My jaw dropped and I closed my eyes as the reverberation of the shot echoed in my ears.
I felt all the air leave my lungs while I didn't dare to move.
Until the screams of Olivia's mother cut through the air. I didn't know why she was screaming now, maybe it had been shock when Jason had been shot.
I finally opened my eyes, my breath hitching as I scanned the damage that had been done.
Lorian was gone, had probably made a run for it while
There was blood everywhere. Timothée was sitting on the floor and I could tell that he was shot. His hands were shaky and he slightly was in shock, not reacting at all. I quickly ran over to him and took off his jacket, my hands almost as shaky as his.
His white shirt was stained red in the shoulder and upper arm area and he was loosing a lot of blood quickly.

"Press onto the wound!" I yelled over to Jason, Louis and Olivias parents. I ripped open Timothée's shirt and took it off quickly. I ripped it into strips and started tying one around his shoulder and one around his upper arm to cut off the blood circulation. I then made him lay down onto the floor as I cupped his cheek with one hand.
"Stay awake for me, Tim." I whispered and he forced a weak smile before I quickly got up and turned around to help Jason. It was just then when I realized that he was loosing much more blood than Timothée was.
"Call an ambulance!" I commanded, tears stinging in my eyes. I pressed both of my hands onto Jason's stomach to stop the bleeding and just kept them there while I closed my eyes shut to prevent tears from escaping them. I couldn't loose another Person in my life but Olivia's and Jason's daughter needed at least one parent, she couldn't grow up as an orphan like I did. Look what I became. Someone without a real purpose of life, someone who spent her life serving others. Serving people that only wants to rule the world.


I STAYED LIKE THAT until the ambulance arrived, not allowing myself to release the pressure on Jason's wound. My hands were shaking and I was finally letting my tear flow, my desperation and anger clearly visible. It had been my fault that Olivia had died. I couldn't let their husband die now, I owed that to them and their daughter. I was angry at everyone and everything. I was angry at people like my parents and Lorian Dennis, angry at everyone that wanted to rule the world and who wouldn't back down until they got what they wanted. I was angry at myself for not hunting every single one of them down so they couldn't hurt anyone. I was angry at god—or gods—for letting those people run around on the planet they had created because this wasn't balance. People would always get more hungry for power and control and they would spread like a virus. More wars will be fought, more innocent people will die while the people that actually caused the wars will be sitting up there on their thrones safely.
One of those people had taken the control over a group of trained agents and no one had even noticed.
I felt dumb and because of my inability to do my job right, millions of people now were in danger.

„Miss, I'm a paramedic. I thank you for your help but could you please step aside? We need to bring the two men into the hospital quickly." A man with tanned skin and brown short hair, that was slowly starting to grey interrupted. I blinked a few time, scanning him with my eyes in question before I slowly retracted my hands, staring at the blood all over them. As I stood up, I wiped the beads of sweat that had formed on my forehead with my arm. I watched as the two paramedics loaded Timothée and Jason onto stretchers, my vision blurry. As they connected infusions to them, I saw Timothée outstretched a hand towards me, making me rush over to him. His curls were damp from sweat and he was struggling to keep his eyes opened.

„Chérie." he whispered, a small smile forming on his lips.

„Tim!" I gasped, tears escaping my eyes again.
„Don't worry, I'll come with you." I assured and took his hand, squeezing it lightly.

„No." he uttered and slightly shook his head.
„Go and get that bitch before she releases your parents and ruins your reputation."

„I can't just leave you here." I stuttered, despair audible in my voice.

„I'm gonna make it, Chérie, but I need you to. I can't pull you into my life as a criminal on a run, it would break you." He softly argued, while he cupped my cheek with his right hand.
„I love you, now go!"

„I love you too." I whispered, my tears now spilling uncontrollably.
„I'll get revenge." I added even though I was speaking more to myself before I let go of his left hand and started running. My feet were hurting and I felt as if someone had smashed my skull with a jackhammer but I didn't mind. She had hurt two people directly and had killed Olivia indirectly by helping my parents to even walk around freely. My vision was still blurry, but now because of tears but because of the rage that was burning inside of me. I felt the adrenaline rush through my veins, allowing me to run even faster while I was looking for a way to get to the agency in time.
I suppose that's when I decided to make her suffer. I'd make her suffer for every single person that she hurt directly or indirectly and after that she'd rot in a cell.

Because if I'm honest, I'd rather set the world aflame before I'd watch someone like her or my parents rule over it. It would be the hell on earth.

Word count: 1.6k words

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