chapter two

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When Alyssa came to, her parents were both kneeling next to her on the floor while the man wasn’t in her eyesight. Lucifer, she reminded herself and felt as though she might pass out again.

”Well that wasn’t the kind of reaction I was expecting. I assumed you already knew about the deal.” Lucifer’s voice came from somewhere in the room.

”Deal?” she whispered, frowning as she sat up. “What deal?” Alyssa asked a little louder and with a little more attitude then she was feeling.

Lucifer let out another chuckle. ”Shall I tell her then? Since you very obviously decided not to.” he said, walking into Alyssa's view. His face was clear of any emotions. Her parents said nothing. Her mother stared at the floor while her father glared openly at Lucifer with hatred in his eyes.

”What deal?” Alyssa repeated. After a few minutes of silence, in which neither of her parents spoke up, Lucifer finally did.

”You were the deal. If I helped your parents to conceive you, you became mine when you turned eighteen. Your mother agreed to the deal.” He informed her. Alyssa stared at him for about ten seconds before she started laughing.

Never before in her life had she heard something so ridiculous. But she stopped laughing when nobody else started laughing with her. ”You’re telling me that my…my law-abiding, church-going, overprotective parents made a deal to have a daughter and then be forced to give her up when she turns eighteen? You have to be crazy if you think I'd ever believe something like that. Good joke though.” Alyssa said, getting to her feet.

Lucifer cleared his throat, his face still clear of all emotions. His blue eyes darkened to that red color she’d seen enough times to last her for a lifetime.

”You may not agree with the deal but as I’ve been told numerous times a deal is a deal and I will follow through with it. I give you my word on that love.” He said in a dangerously quiet tone.

Alyssa stared at him for a long moment, trying to tell if he was good at pranking people or if he was completely serious. His face was impassive, hard to read and she took this as a sign that he was serious. She spun around to face her parents, ignoring the tears that was now falling down her mother's face.

”Dad tell me this is some kind of joke,” Alyssa said calmly, her eyes teared up, giving away how she truly felt though.

”I didn’t make the deal Lyss, This is between you, him, and your mother.” Her father said, his voice cracking showing how hurt he was that his wife did this, now avoiding making eye contact with her.

Alyssa turned to look at her mother. It was all she could do not to scream at her. Her head felt like it might explode from the news. And for the second time that day, she passed out.

~two months later~

Sixty-two days.

Two months to be exact had gone by since she’d been forcibly taken from everything she knew.

Two months and every day Alyssa felt that she hated him even more than the day before.

On day one, she screamed, cried, and begged him to take her home.

On day two she locked herself in the room he dubbed to be hers and refused to come out.

Day Three consisted of him demanding she come out of her room and her purposefully ignoring him.

On day four they both ignored each other entirely.

and when Day five finally came Alyssa decided she’d better get used to the new living arrangements. For the first time since her arrival, she decided to come out of her room. She pulled the door to her room open quietly and made her way to the stairs. He'd shown her to her room and promised her a tour of the house the next day but she’d refused to leave the room. Meaning she had no idea where anything was other than the stairs. She found her way to the kitchen and allowed his maid to make her breakfast.

That was almost two months ago. Now it was a mere routine to be living there. Alyssa made her way down to the kitchen, where to her surprise, Lucifer sat at the table doing god knows what on a laptop, why he got a laptop and she couldn’t, she would never know. She had asked once and he yelled at her, claiming she couldn’t get one cause he didn’t trust her. ”Well if it isn’t Satan himself.” Alyssa said sarcastically as she took her usual seat at the bar. She could practically hear him rolling his eyes.

”How many times have I told you not to call me that?” He snapped.

“Well what else am I supposed to call you?” she replied, accepting a cup of tea from Josie, the maid. Her maid. She shuddered at the thought. It was a thought she still hadn’t gotten used to.

”Just because I have the title of being the devil does not permit you to call me whatever you want.” he retorted.

“Fine, I’ll call you Mr. Kidnapper. Is that better?” She asked sarcastically in a falsely sweet tone. He glared at her over the top of his laptop and opened his mouth to speak but stopped when the doorbell rang.

Rolling his eyes, he got to his feet and wandered out of the kitchen. Alyssa heard the door open and then shut. Lucifer was back almost as quickly as he had gone and to her surprise, he was followed by her parents. For two months all Alyssa had wanted was to see her parents and now she wasn’t so sure. Her father was one thing, he’d had no part in the deal, but her mother had.

”Did you know they were coming?” Lucifer demanded, his eyes blazing with rage.
”How could I know?” I don’t even have a phone here!” Alyssa snapped.
”I should have been informed that you were coming.” He snapped at them.

“So what? Do we need permission to visit our daughter?” Her father demanded.

”Chris…please..not now.” Alyssas mother said quietly, her voice cracking as she looked at the floor, not daring to look at daughter.

Alyssa opened her mouth to argue with her mother to let her father say what he needed but she stopped when she got a good look at her mother. She looked… different.


Even a little gaunt, like she’d lost weight. You could see her cheek bones, she had dark circles under her eyes like she hadn’t been sleeping.

At that moment Alyssa realized how hard this had been on her mother after all.

And in that same moment, Alyssa realized how grateful she was to see both of her parents.

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