chapter four

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When Alyssa woke up the following morning she had a newfound determination to make the best of her situation. After going through her morning routine of showering, getting dressed, and brushing both her teeth and her hair, she made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Lucifer sat at the table, his eyes locked on his laptop. The second she stepped into the kitchen, Josie was at her side, holding out a cup of tea, which she accepted gratefully.

”Good morning Satan,” Alyssa said cheerfully, surprising even herself. Although he rolled his eyes, they never actually left the computer screen.

“Haven’t you grown bored of name-calling yet? It is rather childish.” He said in an aggravated tone.

“Not when it annoys you so immensely.” she replied, taking a seat at the island and sipping her tea. Rolling his eyes again, he made no other comment and continued with whatever he had been doing.

Several hours later, Alyssa found herself in the living room in what she had recently dubbed her favorite chair with one of her favorite books, The Forbidden Game. She was so absorbed in the book that she didn’t hear the footsteps coming towards her. It was, however, hard to ignore the angry muttering and then the sound of a glass being smashed.
”Josie!” Lucifer said loudly and there was a loud pop. This was what did it for Alyssa. She looked up and saw something she’d only seen in movies. It looked like some kind of cross between a demon and an elf. She wasn’t sure what to call it. “Where is Josie?” Lucifer demanded, sounding annoyed.

”Miss is tending to other things.” The creature said in a high-pitched voice.

“Well, clean this up!” Lucifer snapped, gesturing to the broken glass on the floor.

”Yes, sir!” Squeaked the creature and it went straight to work.

Alyssa didn’t know whether to be disgusted or fascinated by the creature. Instead, she turned her attention back to Lucifer, who’d gotten another glass and was filling it to the brim with bourbon, something she had yet to see him do.

”You know…Being a dick to everyone won’t make yours any bigger. So why do you feel the need to take your anger out on everyone else?” Alyssa said coldly.

He had the glass halfway to his mouth and stopped, setting it down, none too gently, causing the bourbon to spill over the sides.

There was a moment of silence in which she stared at him and he glared at her before he spoke. ”I’m going to pretend as though you, as a lady, didn’t just use that type of foul language and instead inform you of the events to come this evening.” Lucifer said in a dangerously quiet tone. ”The reason for my…mood is because I am being forced to attend a masquerade ball, something I greatly despise, as my mother is well aware of.” He continued in the same tone. Alyssa stared at him for a long minute before she started laughing.

”Let me get this straight. You’re telling me that you still let your mommy tell you what to do? You’re at least twenty-eight! What twenty-eight-year-old still listens to their parents?” Alyssa asked and covered her mouth trying not to laugh anymore. But to her surprise, Lucifer laughed. It was sharp and cold and ended far quicker than a normal laugh would.

“As amusing and witty as you are, you are also clueless. I am not twenty-eight. I am four hundred years old and here, When the queen gives an order, you obey.” Lucifer said. ”Even if she’s my…mommy as you put it.” He added and he picked up his drink, draining the glass in one gulp. The spilled bourbon had gone, along with the creature. ”And speaking of this party, you will also be in attendance.” He told her as he refilled his glass.

”Yes, because you’ve given me so many reasons to want to go.” Alyssa replied sarcastically.

”You will go. Whether you want to or not.” Lucifer snapped, his eyes flashing that red color he only seems to get when he is mad. The dangerous edge was back in his voice as he drained the second glass faster than the first.

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