chapter three

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“Josie. Show our guests to the living room. Till then I'll be in my study.” Lucifer said, sounding annoyed.

Alyssa heard footsteps hurrying around then she saw Josie as she came from around the bar in an instant. “Yes Sir.” She said with a winning smile. ”Follow me please.” Josie said as soon as Lucifer disappeared down the hall. Just as they were taking their seats in the living room she heard a door slam shut, a little too loud for her liking.

Josie left the room, stating she would bring them drinks. They all sat in silence, staring anywhere but at each other. And then out of nowhere her mother burst into tears. ”Lyss we want you to come home.” Her father said in a tone that she’d never heard before.

”Tell that to mom, she’s the one who made the deal.” Alyssa replied without any emotion. She’d thought she’d been happy to see them but her father was acting as though she’d made the decision to be where she was and she found that it made her even angrier.

The visit didn’t last as long as she’d secretly hoped it would. They’d mostly sat not talking, with the only noise being her mother’s sobs. It tore at her heart to hear her mother cry like this. Lucifer stayed in his office for the duration of their visit but the minute Josie shut the door behind them after they’d said their goodbyes, he reappeared.”Are they gone?” He asked the second he set eyes on Alyssa.

”Is the big bad devil scared of a couple of humans?” Alyssa asked sarcastically. This, to her surprise, caused him to laugh. “I am not scared of humans.” he replied, still chuckling.

“I find that hard to believe since you didn’t even stay around while they were here.” She replied, sitting back down on the couch.

”Would you have preferred for me to stay?” He asked.

”Not really,” Alyssa replied instantly.

“Yeah, I thought so.” Lucifer responded.

”Well, I assumed you would have stayed and yelled at them for showing up the way they did.” Alyssa replied back, looking at him. His eyes were still flashing angrily but his face was as cold and impassive as always. To him, her parents would always be unwelcome guests in his house. It was clear from how angry he was when he saw them.

He took a seat on the couch across from her. ”Would yelling at them upset you?” He asked infuriatingly calmly.

”It would have.” Alyssa snapped.

”As much as you might think so Alyssa, I'm not trying to hurt you. I may have made you come here against your will but I am not a bad guy once you get to know me.” Lucifer said calmly.

”That’s news to me.” she muttered sarcastically.
”I’m holding my part of the deal Alyssa. After all, I am a man of my word,” Lucifer replied.

There was a long moment of silence in which Alyssa did nothing more than stare at him in disbelief. Then she sighed in defeat. ”Fine.” Alyssa said.

”Fine? ”Lucifer replied, the disbelief in his voice was written all over his face. It was a shocking sight compared to what she’d grown used to seeing.

”I said fine.” She snapped. ”What more do you want from me?” she added. Lucifer was silent as he stared at her. ”If I have to stay here you may as well give me a tour of the house. That’s the least you can do.” She added. He continued to stare at her for another few minutes before shaking his head.

“What?” Alyssa snapped impatiently.

”You never cease to surprise me.” He said finally.

”And what is that supposed to mean?” Alyssa demanded, glaring at him.

”Nevermind, I’d rather not fight with you. Do you want a tour? Follow me." He said and stood up before he spun on his heel, walking away.

Alyssa stared after him before she got up and slowly followed. ”You’re already aware of where the kitchen is,” He said, making his way down the hall. ”And you’re aware that you have your maid.” he added as he stopped in front of the door at the end of the hall.

”Josie,” Alyssa replied almost instantly. Lucifer reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys, looking through them he found the smallest one and stuck it in the lock. ”What is this? your sex dungeon? Is that why it’s locked?” Alyssa demanded automatically. She could practically hear his eyes rolling as he turned the lock and pushed the door open.

”It’s my office.” Lucifer replied. “Although, interestingly, you think I have a…what was it you said? A sex dungeon?” He replied, she could tell he was trying not to laugh as he stepped aside to let her take a look. She stepped just inside the doorway and looked. It was an ordinary office. There were bookshelves along the back wall filled with books. There was a desk to the left with nothing more than a laptop, some files, and a desktop. Opposite the desk was a solid glass wall that reflected the outside and there was a rug in the middle of the floor. She turned back to look at him.” Shall we continue the tour?” he asked mildly.

”No sex dungeons?” Alyssa asked, doubtfully.

”No sex dungeons.” Lucifer promised with a small chuckle and to her surprise, Alyssa found that she believed him.

She stepped back out of his office and watched as he shut and locked the door. ”If it’s just your office, then why is it locked?” She asked him.

”Because it’s my office,” He replied and turned on his heel, walking down another hall. After a moment's hesitation, Alyssa followed.

Three guest rooms, an indoor pool room, four bathrooms, bigger than her bedroom back home, and “the help’s", as Lucifer put it, living quarters, and the tour was over. Alyssa’s head was spinning, it hadn’t occurred to her how big the house was until she’d been shown around. Conveniently just as the tour was ending, Lucifer got a call and took it to his office, leaving Alyssa to find her way back to the kitchen.

Two hallways later, however, Alyssa was sure she’d gotten herself lost, but that was forgotten the moment she heard a voice. It was barely more than a whisper and it sounded urgent. She rounded the corner and saw it was Josie, talking into a phone. The second she stepped around the corner, Josie snapped the phone shut and walked away as though she hadn’t noticed Alyssa. It was convenient that a call that sounded urgent like that was over that quickly. It was at that moment, as Alyssa watched Josie disappear around a corner, that she found she didn’t trust the other girl at all.

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