chapter sixteen

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It had been a month since Micheal and Joise had kidnapped Alyssa and with passing each day, she was slowly losing hope, Michael came down with food and water everyday. It didn't matter though she never ate it so he forced her to eat it.

Alyssa looked up as the door to the basement door came open before she heard someone step down the basement steps. She let out a hiss as the basement lights came on, closing her eyes tightly as the lights blinded her.

“Well, bitch. It's your lucky day, for some reason Micheal has decided not to kill you.” Josie says as she rolls her eyes.

“Yay, I'm not dying.” Alyssa said sarcastically.

“Instead you're gonna be a good gi~” Josie was cut off as Micheal came into view.

“You're gonna call Elijah and tell him to come here.” Micheal demanded. “Once he comes here to save his ‘lovely bride’ I'll easily overpower him and kill him, take you for my bride then we can rule over hell.” Micheal said in a cocky manner.

Micheal got a smirk before he leaned closer “now how about you be a good girl and give your husband to be, a kiss.” He commanded before puckering his lips as he closed his eyes.

Alyssa could see Joise was watching her from behind Micheal. She gave Josie a sweet smile before turning to face Micheal, she smirked before spitting in his face. “Hell would have to freeze over before I kiss you.” She hissed. “Also, how do you expect me to call him?” She rattled the chains above her to make a point. “I'm chained up in case you forgot.” She said in a sarcastic tone.

Micheal rolled his eyes. “Are all humans this dumb?” He asked in disbelief. “I'm gonna dial the number and put him on speaker.” He said in a duh tone.

Micheal dialed the number and put it on speaker.

“What do you want, Micheal? I’m busy.” Elijah hissed.

Micheal let out a chuckle. “I’m sure you are, brother. Though, I believe I have something, or someone that belongs to you.” Micheal said smugly as he held the phone close to Alyssa. “Say hello to your bride, I'm sorry I meant my bride.” Micheal said.

Alyssa let out a scream of pain as he gripped her hair and yanked her head backwards. “Be a good girl and say hello, my beautiful bride to be.” Michael hissed.

“H-hello E-Elijah.” She said in a painful tone, feeling her scalp burn from how hard and rough Micheal yanked her head backwards.     

Elijah let out a low growl of anger. “Where are you? Why have you taken her? You better have not hurt her!” Elijah snapped.

Micheal made a tsking sound. “Aww, is my brother growing feelings for his little human pet?” Micheal teases. 

Elijah let out another growl. “Let her go and you might still be breathing when I'm done with you.” Elijah snapped angrily.

       Elijah's pov

The last thing Elijah heard before Micheal hung up was Alyssa’s painful cry as Micheal let out a laugh, almost like hearing Alyssa in pain was bringing him joy.

Elijah growled and hung up the phone, looking at the house in front of him. Lilly’s house, the one place he was sure someone would know where Josie and Micheal took his Alyssa.

“Wait, his Alyssa?”  He could feel shock running though his body as he thought that to himself before shaking off that thought, he had no time to be feeling something for her.

He kicked open the door hearing Lilly let out a scream of panic as it hit the floor.  

“Guess who’s back?” He sang in a cheerfully sarcastic voice as he stepped through the doorway. He rushed over, summing a pair of magic chains in his hands as he did. As soon as he was close enough he placed them around her wrist making sure they binded into place watching as she began to struggle.
The magic cuffs he placed around her wrists would seal her powers for now but after a while they would slowly begin to drain her powers till they were gone for good.

“Aww is the ‘big’ and ‘bad’ dark fae without her powers?” He asks in a cooing voice, almost like he was talking to a baby. “Oh, them chains? Yeah, they are gonna stay attached to you till you tell me everything. Why did you make the bullet that almost killed me? What did you get out of it? I'm not stupid, I know that you know that my brother has something to do with the bullet. Now tell me everything you know.” Eljiah demanded.

Lilly’s p.o.v

Lilly slowly stopped struggling as she realized it was no use, she wasn’t getting out of the chains any time soon.

Lilly realized he didn’t bring any rope to tie her feet, rookie mistake on his end. She didn’t think she just acted, she pulled her head back before letting it fly forward, she heard a loud pop as the bone broke in his nose. Lilly took off running out of the door as Elijah released her hearing him curse behind her, no doubt holding his broken nose. She didn't even get ten feet from the house when she heard a deep growl behind her.

Lilly stopped running as her body froze with fear. She slowly turned around, holding in a gasp of fear she saw a seven foot tall hellhound.

The hellhound let out a growl before pouncing on her, knocking her down as she let out a scream of fear. The hellhound growled and opened its mouth, no doubt to bite her when she heard Elijah’s  voice.

“Down, boy. No eating the prisoner.” Elijah says calmly. The hellhound backed away slowly letting Lilly sit up.

“Wow, thanks for not letting your beast of a hellhound eat me.” She said in a bitterly sarcastic tone.

Elijah looked down at the dark fae and smirked. “You know, I was hoping you would run which is why I left your feet untied.” He said letting out a tsking noise.

“It's a shame you didn’t get far though. If you had, I would have let the big boy over here eat you.” He continued to say as he pointed to the hellhound.
“Now spill what you know about my dumbass brother? Where is he? Where has he taken my friend? Why did you make the bullet that almost killed me?” He demands.

Lilly raises an eyebrow looking smugly. “Now why would I spill where he is? That would take away all my fun. Now for the bullet, that’s easy. Your little ‘friend’ as you say, her dad paid me ALOT” she said smugly, not saying another word.

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