chapter 15

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Alyssa could see the smoke coming from the now crashed car, she put her car in park and got out. She could hear Adalyann calling her name and telling her to get back in the car but she paid no attention. She walked up to the car and yanked the driver door open. It was no shock to her when she saw the driver had passed out and was slumped over the steering wheel, Alyssa reached out to touch the person and let out a startled scream as the person suddenly grabbed onto her wrists.

“Hello Elijah's pet, or should I say my pet." The person said as they lifted their head and that's when she realized that the person was Michael, she heard Bree start to run towards her as she froze in fear.

A bright light came from Michael as he teleported them away. A few moments went by before they reappeared at a house in the middle of nowhere with woods all around them, Michael was standing behind her holding her wrists tightly to make sure she didn’t get loose.

Alyssa jerked her head back making the back of her head connect to Michael’s nose, she heard his nose break, she felt his grip loosen as he let go of her to cup his now bleeding nose and that's the chance she needed, she didn't waste a second before she took off running.

“Get back here, you bitch! I'll make you pay for what you just did!” She heard Michael’s voice shout as  she heard him start to run after her.

A few minutes later Alyssa didn’t hear any footsteps behind her, so she decided to stop running and rest for a few seconds. She was breathing heavily as she looked around when suddenly she heard a clearing of a throat behind her and turned around to see Bree.

“Bree?! How the hell did you find me? You know what, never mind that. You gotta help me get  out of here before Micheal f-'' Alyssa started to say before Bree cut her off.

Bree had a look of confusion on her face before it slowly went away as she suddenly got a look of realization on her face and she started to laugh. “Oh sweetie. I’m not my goodie goodie two shoe sister Bree, it’s me Josie. Now as far as you getting away from Micheal...that won't be happening.” The person she now knew as Josie mocked.

Josie held her hands out in front of her and sent a blast of fire Alyssa's way, Alyssa let out a scream as she saw the blast of fire coming towards her. She felt a wave of pain as the fire hit her and felt her body falling towards the ground as her vision started to get blurry before the world around her slowly went black. 

A groan came from Alyssa as she slowly opened her eyes. It was dark in the place where she was at but looking around her she saw she was in a cell. She groaned to herself as she realized her arms were chained up. She heard a door open above her as the lights turned on, letting out a hiss of pain as the brightness from the lights blinded her as she heard two sets of footsteps stepping down the basement stairs.

“Did you really have to use a blast of fire? She’s a human, she could have died.'' Alyssa heard Micheal’s voice hiss in an annoyed tone.  

“Would you shut up? It’s not like he will miss her. He's only using her for the deal.” She heard Josie snap.

Alyssa lifts up her head as Micheal and Josie steps in front of her, Josie looks her up and down with disgust in her eyes.

“What did Elijah ever see in you? You’re so blah. He could have had a witch and yet he picks a human.” Josie stated coldly.

Michael rolled his eyes.  “Shut up Josie. No one cares what you think.” Michael snapped. He took a deep breath. “Sorry about that. Anyhow It's good to see Elijah’s favorite pet is awake, well actually I should say my favorite pet.” Michael said before reaching forward to cup her cheek in a smug manner.

Alyssa begins to struggle in her chains. “Let me go, you assholes! When I get out of here I'm gonna kick both of your asses!” She screamed.

Michael shakes his head as he lets out a chuckle, almost like the thought of Alyssa kicking their ass, a demon, soon to be the king of hell and a witch, funny to him as he drops his hand. “You kick our asses? Oh please, we both know that wont happen. Now as far as letting you go, that won't be happening either. You're gonna stay right there till he comes, now tell me. What do you know about the deal between him and our parents?” Michael demanded.

Alyssa gives him a confused look.“A deal with your parents? Don’t you mean a deal with my parents?” she asked, confused.

Michael opened his mouth to reply when he was cut off by Josie as she started to laugh.

“Oh sweetheart, you have no idea why Elijah truly actually wanted you, do you?” Joise asked.

Alyssa shook her head. “All I know was my parents made a deal with Elijah that if he made them pregnant with me then on my eighteenth birthday, he could come take me. I'm not sure why he wanted me though.” Alyssa said truthfully.

Joise started laughing harder at this news. “Well, Elijah chose you to be his bride. You see Elijah needs a bride to be king of hell so years ago when he made that deal with your parents, he sealed your fate. Why did he choose a human over a witch? I have no idea but it won't matter once he's dead, Michael will take over and hell will change for the better.” Josie said.

Alyssa tried not to show shock on her face as she took in the words Josie said. “You know you seem pretty bitter he didn't choose you, I thought you were just his maid? Oh that’s right, once I came along, you became my maid. Now correct me if I'm wrong but if you were once his maid then he must not really care much about you. Let me guess, while you worked for him you fell for him but he didn’t have feelings for you back.” Alyssa said matter of factly. She let out a pity sigh. “Don't worry sweetheart I'll fuck him better than you ever could have.” Alyssa said smugly.

Alyssa watched as anger filled Joise's eyes before she felt the sting as Joise slapped her across the face.“I can't wait to finally get rid of you, bitch.” Joise hissed angrily before storming up the basement steps, slamming the door behind her.

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