Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Release my brother right now, brigand! Take this—multiple arrows of flames!" Somi's voice rang out, filled with determination, as she sent the fiery arrows soaring towards Evangeline.

Evangeline was caught off guard by the sudden attack, and the arrows struck her, engulfing her momentarily in smoke.

Somi's expression turned to one of surprise as she witnessed Evangeline emerge unscathed from the smoke. "You! How did you manage to remain unharmed? I saw my attack hit you," she exclaimed, astonished.

Evangeline replied confidently, "Your attack wasn't strong enough to even scratch me. Besides, I am not one of the brigands. They are the ones," she pointed to the unconscious bandits she had incapacitated.

Somi turned to her brother, Soon-ni, seeking confirmation. "Brother, is what she says true?"

Soon-ni nodded, a smile on his face. "Yes, it's true. It was these two who attacked me first, and she came to my rescue."

Somi's confusion lifted as she understood the situation. "Then why did she move to attack you when I arrived?"

Evangeline explained, "It's because your brother has a tendency to tease and provoke. I was merely teaching him a lesson without causing any harm."

Somi bowed apologetically. "I sincerely apologize for attacking you. I didn't have the full picture."

Evangeline accepted her apology graciously. "It's alright, but do be more careful in the future. Not everyone will be as patient as I am. Seiko, let's leave now. Our business here is done."

Seiko hopped onto Evangeline's shoulder, and without further words, they swiftly departed. Soon, they arrived at the castle as night began to fall. They proceeded to the dining hall for a meal before retiring to their room.

Evangeline settled onto her bed, contemplating the events of the day. "I wonder what tomorrow will bring," she mused, excitement tingling in her voice.

Seiko responded with a smile, observing Evangeline's enthusiasm. "You're rarely this excited. I hope this time you can make some friends."

Evangeline gently stroked Seiko's fur. "It's always surprising to me how kind you are, despite others characterizing you as violent and mean. In reality, you're just a big softy."

Seiko closed his eyes and spoke with a hint of melancholy. "They never made an effort to understand me. They imprisoned me. But you're different."

Evangeline reassured him, "No matter how few friends you have, I'll always be here. After all, we are friends."

"You're right," Seiko acknowledged, his voice filled with gratitude. "And let's not forget about Megumi."

Evangeline looked down at the bracelet on her wrist, her expression fond. "Yes, Megumi is wonderful. She always brings you something to eat."

As exhaustion began to wash over them, Evangeline yawned. "I think it's time to sleep."

With a snap of her fingers, the lights went out, and they both drifted off into a deep slumber. The night passed, and the warm rays of the morning sun gradually seeped through the window, gently rousing Evangeline from her sleep.

"I despise having to get up early, but I have a solution," she murmured.

Carefully, she rose from her bed, careful not to wake Seiko. Approaching the window, she drew the curtains closed, shutting out the intrusive sunlight. Returning to her bed, she settled back in, seeking more sleep.

However, her respite was short-lived. The sound of the door opening broke the silence, revealing Azumi, her mother.

"Evangeline, wake up! Don't forget that today is the entrance exam," Azumi urged.

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