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This moment was interrupted by a throat clearing—the doctor's.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I need to examine Mana, so if you could just step aside, miss," said the doctor.

"Oh, sorry," Evangeline replied, shifting to give the doctor access.

The doctor quickly checked on Mana's condition, and within minutes, he was done.

"Don't worry, Mana is fine, no signs of danger. She'll be able to go home in a few days," the doctor said with a smile.

This reassured both Evangeline and Mana. After the doctor left the room, Seiko approached them.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, but don't think I've forgotten what you did. Evangeline may have been fooled, but not me," Seiko said, glaring at Mana.

Before Seiko could say anything else, Mana reached out and stroked his head, instantly calming him. Seiko appreciated the gesture for a few moments before regaining his composure.

"You're trying to bewitch me with your caresses, but you won't get me, witch," Seiko said, stepping away from Mana and then rushing out of the room. Before leaving, he added, "Don't worry, Evangeline, I'll come back later to free you from this witch's control."

Now alone in the room, only Evangeline and Mana remained. After Seiko's departure, they burst into laughter.

"I'm really sorry, Mana. I didn't expect him to react like that," Evangeline said, smiling.

"It's okay, really. It's understandable that he doesn't trust me after what I did," Mana replied sadly.

"It's not your fault, Mana. After all, you were being controlled," Evangeline reassured her, reaching out to stroke Mana's head.

"Actually, about that, I don't think it's a good idea for us to stay together when at any moment, I could turn against you," Mana said seriously.

"Don't worry, we'll find a solution to that as soon as possible. And don't even think about distancing yourself from me. I won't even give you the opportunity, and even if you run away, I'll chase after you wherever you go," Evangeline said, moving closer to Mana, leaving only a few inches between them.

Evangeline leaned in, her face inches away from Mana's, almost about to kiss her, but Mana placed her hand over Evangeline's mouth.

"Don't even think about kissing me, Evangeline. We're in a hospital; someone could walk in at any moment. So, restrain yourself," Mana said, removing her hand from Evangeline's mouth.

"Do you really think that's going to stop me, Mana?" Evangeline said, immediately leaning in to kiss Mana.

At that very moment, people entered through the door: Misaki, Azumi, and Principal Rosaline.Evangeline quickly backed away from Mana, who took the opportunity to pinch Evangeline hard. Misaki and Azumi appeared slightly surprised, while Rosaline wore a smile on her face.

Despite the awkward interruption, Evangeline managed to regain her composure quickly. She shot Mana a playful glare before addressing Misaki, Azumi, and Rosaline.

"Sorry about that," Evangeline said with a sheepish smile. "We got a little carried away."

Misaki chuckled softly. "It's alright, dear. Young love can be quite overwhelming at times."

Azumi nodded in agreement. "Indeed. But perhaps it's best to save the romantic gestures for when you're not in a hospital room."

Evangeline blushed slightly at the gentle scolding. "Right, noted."

Rosaline approached the bed where Mana was sitting, a curious glint in her eyes. "Well, it seems like things are getting quite interesting around here. But I'm glad to see that Mana is awake and doing better."

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