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"Mana, please stop. You'll break my bones," Evangeline pleaded desperately, her voice filled with both pain and fear. But despite her heartfelt plea, Mana stubbornly clung to her, refusing to release her grip. The pressure on Evangeline's body was excruciating, every breath becoming a struggle as she fought against the crushing force.

As if emerging from a mist, Mana regained consciousness, her fierce red eyes transforming in

to a bewitching green. A slight smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she gazed lovingly at Evangeline, letting her true emotions show. With a deliberate gesture, she removed Evangeline's mask, revealing the vulnerability that lay beneath, and drew Evangeline into a tender, unexpected kiss.

The embrace lingered, an eternity compressed into mere minutes, their lips locked in an intimate dance of passion and longing. Evangeline, caught between the overwhelming rush of sensations and a lingering sense of caution, finally summoned the strength to push Mana away. Gasping for air, she stared at her companion, her eyes wide with a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

Unbeknownst to them, their stolen moment of vulnerability had been captured by an unseen observer. The mischievous principal, concealed within the shadows of the infirmary, had cunningly recorded the encounter with a cameraphone. A sly smile graced her face as she relished in the unfolding drama, her devious intentions shrouded in secrecy.

As Evangeline struggled to process the unexpected turn of events, Mana suddenly collapsed once more, her strength depleted. The shock of witnessing such a bewildering and intense connection left Evangeline paralyzed with disbelief. Time slipped by, minutes stretching into an eternity, as she remained frozen in a state of profound astonishment. Her mouth hung open, mask forgotten, as her mind grappled to comprehend the depths of the encounter she had just experienced.

In the midst of Evangeline's daze, the entrance to the room swung open, and Seiko sauntered in, her presence cutting through the stifling atmosphere. With a mocking tone, she quipped, "Evangeline, shut your mouth before a curious insect makes itself at home."

Seiko's words sliced through the fog of disbelief, jolting Evangeline back to reality. Shaking off her stupor, she swiftly composed herself, the mask of normalcy returning to her features. With a determined gesture, she hurriedly concealed her emotions, slipping her mask back into place, shielding her vulnerabilities from prying eyes.

"What happened to you, Evangeline, to make you so shocked?" inquired Seiko, his curiosity piqued as he observed Evangeline's flushed cheeks and uneasy demeanor.

Caught off guard by Seiko's direct question, Evangeline's mind raced to find a suitable response, her thoughts intertwining with the vivid memories of the recent encounter. Blushing furiously, she struggled to find the right words. "It's... it's nothing special, Seiko. Please don't worry," she stammered, her voice betraying her nervousness.

Seiko, ever perceptive, harbored doubts regarding Evangeline's vague explanation. He knew that she was concealing something, yet he trusted their enduring friendship, believing that eventually, Evangeline would confide in him with the truth. Such had always been the way between them.

"I won't press you further, Evangeline," Seiko assured her, a glimmer of concern flickering in his eyes. "But I must inquire about Mana. Is she alright?"

A surge of uncertainty washed over Evangeline as she pondered Mana's condition. "I don't know," she admitted, her voice tinged with worry. "I'm still waiting for the nurse to return and examine her."

Just as she spoke those words, the infirmary door swung open, announcing the arrival of the nurse, their beacon of hope in the midst of confusion and unanswered questions.

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