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Chapter 18

Evangeline arrived with measured steps, taking in the sight of the group that awaited her. Composed of two boys and two girls, she recognized some familiar faces who turned around at her arrival.

Yuriko's voice dripped with anger as he spoke, "Oh no, not you. What are you doing here?"

Evangeline maintained her composure, responding with a hint of amusement, "Don't worry, the pleasure is shared."

Seiko chimed in, laughter dancing in his voice, "I have a feeling you two will get along just fine."

Soon-ni intervened, trying to diffuse the tension, "Don't argue, both of you. Anyway, it's too late now. You'll have to deal with it."

Evangeline let out a sigh, quickly calming herself. "Let's start with introductions," she suggested in a calm tone.

The others nodded in agreement, and Evangeline took the initiative to introduce herself first. "Hello, my name is Evangeline Suzuki, and I master fire and darkness magic."

As she spoke, a red flame flickered to life in her right hand, while her left hand conjured a ball of darkness. Her teammates looked on in astonishment, taking a few seconds to recover from the display.

Yuriko followed suit, introducing himself, "My name is Yuriko Kaori, and I master the magic of water." He created a bubble of water with his right hand, a sense of superiority evident in his tone. Evangeline couldn't help but think, "As I suspected, he is still an idiot."

Soon-mi Ayate introduced herself next, displaying her own fire magic by conjuring a flame on her right hand. "Hello, I'm Soon-mi Ayate, and I master fire magic," she declared.

Somi Ayate, the last of the group, greeted them with a friendly smile. "Hello, I'm Somi Ayate. I'm glad to meet you, and I specialize in lightning magic." He generated a small bolt of lightning with his left hand, showcasing his abilities.

Only one person remained, a shy-looking girl of average height with green hair and glasses. Evangeline placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and encouraged her, "Don't be shy. We're not going to eat you. You can introduce yourself."

With newfound confidence, the girl spoke up, "Hello, my name is Lily Chiharu, and I'm a master of plant magic." She waved her fingers, causing a root to emerge from the ground.

Seiko, the final member of the group, added his introduction with a touch of humor, "Hi, my name is Seiko. You'll find out about my magic later, but I hope you'll give me plenty of food."

As Seiko finished speaking, the voice of the principal echoed through the air once more, grabbing everyone's attention. "I suppose you've finished getting to know each other. Now, it's time for your next group assignment, which will begin in 15 minutes. I hope you're ready."

Evangeline wondered about the upcoming mission, curious as to what it would entail. "Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention," the principal added with a sadistic smile, "the groups that fail the mission will be immediately sent back."

The students reacted with shock, and some even began to cry. Evangeline turned to gauge her group's reaction. Yuriko wore a smile, seemingly unfazed, while Soon-mi appeared indifferent. Lily seemed on the verge of tears, and Somi trembled slightly.

"Great, now the principal is traumatizing the students. She's a sadomasochist," Evangeline mused inwardly.

"Don't cry, Lily. I'm sure we'll succeed in this mission," Evangeline reassured, gently patting her on the head.

The principal continued, "The mission you'll undertake is quite simple." She materialized a magic crystal in her hand, showcasing it to the group. "I want you to bring me ten of these crystals within three hours maximum. After the three hours are up, I won't accept any more crystals."

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