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Chapter 17

"My name is Mana Asami," she stated, her voice filled with a mix of determination and a hint of something darker. Before any further questions could escape Evangeline's lips, Mana abruptly vanished, leaving Evangeline in a dazed state until Seiko approached her.

"Evangeline, what's the matter? You've been standing here for at least twenty minutes, lost in thought," Seiko inquired, his concern evident.

"It's nothing, Seiko. Let's return to the castle before anyone notices our absence," Evangeline replied, her mind still reeling from the encounter.

"Are you certain you're alright?" Seiko hopped onto Evangeline's head, his eyes fixed on her with worry.

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry, let's head inside. It's growing cold out here," Evangeline reassured him, her hand gently caressing his head.

"Alright, but remember, I'm your best friend. If something is truly amiss, don't hesitate to confide in me," Seiko reminded her, their bond evident in his words.

With Seiko by her side, they discreetly made their way back to the castle, slipping through unnoticed. Evangeline found herself sinking onto her bed, her mind consumed by the events of the exhausting day.

"What an extraordinary day it has been, hasn't it, Seiko?" Evangeline mused, her voice laced with a mix of awe and uncertainty.

Seiko's response held a teasing tone. "Indeed, remarkable. Now we all know you're a pervert, especially after you took the liberty of touching her breasts."

Evangeline's face turned crimson, embarrassment flooding her features. "It was an accident. I hope she doesn't think poorly of me."

Seiko chuckled, enjoying her flustered state. "I doubt she'll want anything to do with you after that, my friend."

Evangeline sighed, her mind drifting to the possibility of encountering the mysterious elf girl again. "Nevertheless, I hope our paths cross once more. There's something about her that reminds me of someone from long ago."

A smile tugged at Evangeline's lips as she reflected on her thoughts. Glancing to her side, she noticed Seiko had drifted off to sleep. With a contented sigh, she decided it was time to let herself succumb to slumber as well.

In another realm, Mana Asami, an elf girl with blond hair, emerald eyes, and a figure to be admired, sat alone in her room at the Sunlight School's female dormitory. A troubled expression etched her features, hinting at a deeper turmoil.

"This girl, Evangeline... I will make her pay. How dare she treat me this way? Thankfully, fate has brought us together in this school, and soon enough, my revenge will be complete. She will know suffering like no other," Mana whispered to herself, a sinister grin playing on her lips.

"Something feels peculiar about her. From the moment our eyes met, I sensed a connection—a strange familiarity as if our souls were entwined. It's unnerving, and I can't shake this feeling that my heart is on the verge of explosion," Mana contemplated, her thoughts consumed by the enigmatic encounter.

"For now, I remain uncertain of the cause, but perhaps it is tied to the recurring dreams that have plagued me recently," Mana pondered further, her gaze fixated on a distant memory.

Returning to Evangeline's perspective, she once again found herself in the encompassing darkness, a void that swallowed her whole. However, this time, the darkness swiftly dissipated, revealing a familiar wooden hut—a place she once called home in a previous life. Instinctively, she turned around, her heart racing.

And there she stood, Mana—blond hair cascading down, eyes sparkling green, and adorned in a pristine white dress. The sight of her filled Evangeline with an overwhelming sense of comfort and longing.

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