Devious act

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My dad said the meeting went well which I didn't agree but I wouldn't speak out against him.

My dad was always someone who needed to take sleeping pills to be able to get a decent night's sleep.

After he took the pill and got settled in bed he remembered some paperwork that he needed to give Jamie and asked me if I'd do it to help us get a good relationship.

I agreed knowing this would be my chance, To put my plan into action. I was letting my despicable  thoughts win tonight. But it'd just be a one time thing no harm done.

I went back to my room before going to Jamie's office. I bought two identical bottles of whiskey with me.

One I added some sleeping liquid into it and some Viagra to help with tonight's plan. And the other was normal whiskey that I'd swap out with the drugged bottle afterwards so no one would suspect anything.

I wasn't stupid.I had fantasized about this for a long long time.

Grabbing the drugged whiskey and the papers my dad told me to take to Jamie I walked to his office and knocked before being told to come in.

" Hi, I'm sorry to disturb but my dad asked me to bring these filed to you and we brought  this bottle of whiskey to thank you for letting us stay. Dad said it was one of your favourites."

Jamie looked uniterested but took the papers and the whiskey. " Pass me a glass from over there" while pointing to the unit to the side I'm the corner of his office.

I grabbed the glass and passed it to  him trying not to look too eager for him to drink.

He poured himself a decent sized amount and drank. The drugs I had put in would kick-in, in about an hour so I had time to get ready.

I stood there wondering if he'd say anything but he didn't so I just excused myself and said I was going to bed and he didn't acknowledge me.

I got to my room, and straight away got into the bath, I shaved everything ready for what was going to happen I wanted to be smooth as a baby.

I had a sheer bra and thong pantie set that I got in white so I put that on and I would wear a silk dressing gown over the top.

I knew Jamie had already gone to bed because I heard his footsteps awhile ago.

I was just waiting I couldn't believe I was actually going to do this. I could back out but then what would be the point I'd already drugged him,I wouldn't get this opportunity again.

I got the replacement bottle of whiskey and headed to his office to changed it out with the bottle that had been drugged. I poured out the same amount that was missing from the drugged bottle and put it back taking the drugged bottle with me back to my room.

By now it had been an hour and 20 minutes since Jamie had taken the drugged whiskey and the anticipation was getting to me, I was excited but nervous.

Deciding it was now or never I headed to Jamie's room. His mansion was basically deserted and his room was on the opposite side of the house so there wouldn't be a risk of anyone hearing anything.

Jamie was drugged and my dad was on sleeping tablets so neither of them would wake up.

I didn't knock I just went into his room. My heart was racing I was ready for this. Just because he didn't see me didn't mean I didn't see him. I'm a woman, a woman with needs.

And Jamie was all man. I'd heard rumours about him in bed and about how his cock was a monster. I couldn't wait to find out if those rumors was true.

Walking towards Jamie while he's fast sleep in bed I decided to be on the safe side and try to wake him I called his name..shook him and I got no response.

I couldn't help but smile I was ready for this.

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