Tattle tale

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Waking up I felt tons better than the day before, yesterday dragged so much.

I slipped into my slippers and headed to the bathroom I definitely looked like I'd been dragged through a bush,my hair was all over the place. I decided I needed to get a move on and hopped into the shower letting the hot water fall upon my skin. 

I felt so good. Every little thing seemed to get me heated after having sex with jamie. I knew my body yearned for more but it wasn't a risk I could afford to take. I was lucky I'd done what I wanted and walked away without anyone else being non the wiser.

I had to reign in my thoughts I was feeling like a desperate woman in heat. I washed and shaved and decided it was time to get out before my hands started to wander. 

I dressed in a simple tight skirt and sheer ruby red shirt with a vest underneath. I felt I looked professional while still giving a preview of what my body had to offer to any potential males that I may run into and may fill  hole that filling. 

Driving in my car I made it into work and made a coffee before the work began. I knew max would soon make his rounds and I couldn't deal with him till after my coffee. He'd been trying to get a "date" with me since I started months ago but I knew he just wanted to fuck.

I wasn't going to fuck anyone from the office,they all knew who my dad was. They all knew I'd be soon taking over and they just saw me as a meal ticket. They'd try be my friend or get into my bed hoping I'd be dumb enough to fall for it so when I took over they'd expect special treatment or even be as stupid as to try and take my company from me. I wasn't anybody's fool,no one would be getting a free ride from me . 

If made it till after dinner before max finally appeared 'yawn'. "What can I do for you max?"  He chuckled " There's alot a pretty girl like you could do for me " he tried to give me a smile that he thought would have my knickers hit the floor but he just didn't do anything for me. Sure he'd be cute for someone who was almost blind but I had perfect vision. 

"Look max let's just cut to the chase shall we. I'm not interested. I don't want to be friends or anything more than friends. If you come here again acting this way I will have no issues with going down the sexual harassment route. So I suggest you get up off my desk and walk out the door that you wasn't welcomed into and don't come back. I'll make sure it's known you aren't welcome to work on my team so do yourself and me a favour and stop trying to insert yourself into my business" 

He was dumbfounded,I couldn't if been more uninterested if I'd tried. He took a few seconds to gather himself then spoke. " I'm sorry if I've made you feel uncomfortable Amelia it wasn't my intention to do so" and walked out of my office. Did he think I was stupid. I wasn't going to play I to his little game of him hoping I now felt guilty and would give him another chance and grovel for friendship and a fresh start. I wasn't some bimbo who was born 5 minutes ago. 

My dad's secretary Lacey called and told me he wanted to see me in his office. Welcoming the small distraction before getting back to work I made my way over to his office before knocking and walking in. What was he doing here? 

There Mr Barnett sat across from dad both with unhappy faces glearing my way. Ah was this a telling off. I knew Jamie had no clue what happened a few months ago. Call me hig headed but I'm sure that I'd of been in trouble by now if he'd of somehow found out which was highly unlikely I left no traces of what happened between us. 

I sat down next to Mr Barnett opposite dad and smiled at dad. I sat patiently waiting for my dad to speak. " it's been brought to my attention that you went out on a date showing yourself up. Hanging all over the guy out in public. You know I don't normally interfere in your private matters Amelia but I can't let you tarnish my name." 

Hold up what the hell was he talking about. Did...did Mr Barnett tell my dad I was out throwing myself at a man. This was actually laughable. "and where did you hear this from dad? Was it a reliable source?" " Yes of course it came from a reliable source and it was brought to my attention because that person cares about my reputation too" I stopped my dad right there. 

" is there any evidence to cooperate what this person is saying? Any videos? " "Well no, I trust the source I don't need to check for evidence " I laughed. Both dad and Mr Barnett looked at me. My Barnetts piercing eyes bore into me like he thought I was crazy. He didn't know how crazy I could truly be. 

 "Dad your source is unreliable. I suggest you look into where you get these stories from. Clearly you put too much trust into this person" I side glanced Mr Barnett to let him know I was talking about him. 

"As you are aware I send you my schedule every week why don't you go ahead and check that schedule dad."  Dad took a few moments and found the email with it telling him my whole week's plans. " dinner with Adam to discuss final proceedings before court case" dad looked to Mr Barnett and then to me. He knew that I was seeing Adam as he passed the client onto me last minute and I just took over the appointments dad had already arranged prior so there was no date.

"As you know I just upheld the prior commitment you had already made. I don't mix business with pleasure it was nothing more than a business meeting. Yes Adam did ask me to join him after our meeting back at his home but I declined and left alone. Not that it is anyone's business. 

I turned to look at Mr Barnett who looked like he'd just been caught before masking his expression. " I suggest your source go find a job or something better to do rather than run to you and tattle tale on my life. Clearly this source doesn't know me at all. What a desperate weirdo trying to run to my dad to get me told off anyone would think I was under the age of 16 and not an independent 24 year old woman who can do as she pleases. For future reference I suggest checking out the false information you receive I don't do anything to bring embarrassment to my name. And if I am seen out on a date what business is that of anyone else? I'm a 24year old woman who will want to settle down some day. God people need to grow up how immature can people get, don't you think so Mr Barnett? People should go get a life instead of meddle in mine"

My Barnett looked taken back he didn't expect me to speak to my dad like that or reference him to being a desperate weirdo. He knew I knew it was him. I stood and told my dad I had better things to do that listen to wild stories about my own life and got back to work leaving my dad and Mr Barnett just staring at one another.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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