Chapter 5- The Brainwash

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It's been 20 minutes. The members had finished their M/V, but Felix and I.N was nowhere to be found. They were getting worried.

Bang Chan: Where's Felix and I.N, it's been more than 20 minutes?

Hyunjin: Didn't they go to the bathroom together?

Han: Strange..

Still thinking of what could've happened, I.N came running out. Putting an act on, he made up a story.

Lee Know: I.N!! What happened? Why are you in such a rush?

I.N: It's Felix! They took him!

Changbin: They? Who's they?

Seungmin: Do you happen to know their names?

I.N: I.. I can't remember. They punched me and I got dizzy. The last thing I can remember is Felix on the floor and two people taking him away.

All of them were flabbergasted. Felix, taken away? It didn't make sense. It didn't add up. They were careful this entire time.

Bang Chan: I should've been more aware! We have to get him back!

Bang Chan was now sobbing, dropping to his knees as his legs gave way.

Seungmin: Look, Bang Chan, it's no one's fault. As worried as you are, you have to calm down.

Han: But Jeongin, you don't look injured.

Everyone scanned I.N and his 'wounds'. There were no bruises or blood.

Changbin: I mean we don't know for sure, he could be having internal pain from where he was hit. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

Han: Whatever..

Hyunjin: Quit arguing. We need to get Felix back.

Bang Chan, who finally ran out of tears and only showed an emotion of sadness, was determined to find his young Aussie. He got up from his knees.

Bang Chan: Right. We have to first check the CCTV to see who took him. Take note of the conversation they had and try find their location before it's too late. Now that's we're an odd number, we'll have to go in threes and fours. We can't lose another member.

I.N: I don't think we should check the CCTV..

Hyunjin: How come? Are you not willing to help?

I.N: I mean, uh, what if they notice we're using the CCTV and take another one of our members?

Lee Know: He's not wrong. We should take a safer path of finding Felix.

Seungmin: I agree, and besides, who puts cameras in a bathroom?

Changbin: Uhm I don't know, maybe the company JYPE? Does that ring a bell?

Bang Chan: Calm it, Binnie. I know checking CCTV is risky but we have to try. We're doing this for our Felix.

I.N: And there you go again always ignoring my suggestions.

Chan did feel bad, but it was for the best. Despite the guilt, he had to go on with the plan.

Bang Chan: Look, Jeongin. I'm not ignoring you. I'm just trying my best as leader and to keep all of you guys safe. I'm sorry if you think I'm being rude.

Giving up, I.N went with Chan's idea. They spent the rest of the day back at their dorms, still making a few adjustments to the plan. Surprisingly, they managed to get past staff who asked about Felix.

Now you're probably wondering where Felix is, right?


Felix: Wh- where am I..?

Keeho: Welcome to JeoEyes.

Beomgyu: Bro, cut the act now.

Felix: Huh?

Beomgyu: You're inside our master's warehouse.. or should I say.. machine.

Felix: Who's your master?!

Keeho: Yang Jeongin.

Felix's eyes widened. The man who said he trusted him, ending up kidnapping him? How was he so blind?

Felix: What are you going to do with me? I'm no use whatsoever.

Beomgyu: Oh, but you are. You see, our master wants to make his own group, all under his command. He needs us to destroy the K-pop industry, and possibly, the world.

Felix: Guys, snap out of it! He's done something to you!

Keeho: I feel better than ever after he put me in his machine, and soon you will too.

Felix: What are you trying to say?

Beomgyu: Using a brainwashing machine, we'll attach it to the head of our victims and erase their memory of their lovable members. The only thing you'll remember is Yang Jeongin, following his command, and destroying the K-pop industry.

Felix: Yeah right, like I'll allow you do that to me.

Beomgyu: Unfortunately, you will allow us. You were already attached to all these tubes while you were unconscious. There's simply no way of leaving.

Felix: Get me off this thing! I'm not doing his bidding, neither am I doing yours.

Keeho: Too late, Yongbok. After the brainwash machine charges to 100%, we'll put it on your head and you can kiss your memory goodbye.

Words couldn't describe how petrified Felix was. Such a sunshine was now being turned into a monster. He wished he could turn back time.

Keeho: Would you look at that, the machine's already at 35% percent!

Beomgyu: Time to put the mask on.

Felix: What mask?

Beomgyu: Oh silly, the mask will just make you a bit droopy and you'll be able to answer some questions truthfully to us.

Felix: Who else has he done this to?

Keeho: Maybe like 4 other idols, plus me and Beomgyu. Honestly, I think crushing my group is better than being with them.

Felix: So you lied to me.

Keeho: Of course I did! I had to get you to fall into our master's trap.

Beomgyu: 40%. Soon you'll become one of us.

Felix: My members will find out about this, don't you worry.

Beomgyu: Really? Don't they want to become "ODDINARY"?

ODDINARY. That word struck Felix.

Felix: How'd you know about that?

Keeho: He has his ways. Now shut up.

Keeho put the mask on Felix. He tried to resist it but failed. The air coming from it made him feel funny and suddenly he was all droopy.


His final words before spilling out the truth.


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