Stacy's Bat Mitzvah

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Hope ur okay- Olivia Rodrigo~ 'Cause I love you, and I hope that you're okay

3rd POV

A couple weeks had passed
from Eden's Bat Mitzvah and she tried to forget about the video.

Someone had knocked on her front door and Eden groaned while standing up

She slowly walked to the door which seemed it was close to breaking off its hinges.

"Oh my gosh I'm coming stop knocking!" Eden opened the door and her face dropped

"Go away Stacy."



"I'm so so so sorry. I shouldn't have blamed you for everything and about Aaron and called you those things and said all those things to do. I need to to forgive and please please come to my Bat Mitzvah tonight. I promise I'll make it worth it. I've made up with Lydia last week and I just want my first best friend back. Please Eden."

"We'll see"

Eden shut the door and heard Stacy shout, "I'll take that as maybe!"


"Should I go?"

Eden's head was in Aaron's lap and she played with the roots of her hair while they were talking.

"If you want to. I mean she said she want to make it up to you right?"

"Basically, but I don't know if it was sincere. I really don't know A."

Eden put her hands over her face and groaned loudly. Before making a decision

"I'll go."


Eden was precautious walking into the building.

"What if she humiliates me again? What if she's just going to rub it in my face that her Bat Mitzvah is going to be perfect. What if I made a mistake. What if-"

"Eden, once again stop with the 'what ifs' you're overthinking again. And if any of that happen then Stacy's just a bi-"

Stacy walked in to see Eden and Aaron's smile dropped.

"-billy bob! Stacy's just a Billy Bob!"

Stacy glanced at Aaron confused and Eden tried not to smile.

"Oh great you're here!"

 "C'mon I have to show you something."

All I Want- A.P (yasnitmbm)Where stories live. Discover now