was it impulsive

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I found myself in a dimly lit room of the pack house, standing across from Alpha Sebastian Callahan, trying to explain the intricate dilemma we were facing with Sarah's curse. My own anxiety mirrored in his eyes, and I knew he was as lost as I was.

Sebastian's intense gaze never left mine as he leaned forward, the weight of the pack and the dire situation heavy on his shoulders. "Lilian, we must find a way to break this curse, but I can't put you at risk. You are invaluable to this pack, and I won't allow you to sacrifice yourself."

I nodded, my mind racing with potential solutions and their corresponding dangers. But as we spoke, a strange moment occurred, one that would change the course of our lives. In a combination of my nervousness and his frustration, I accidentally patted Sebastian's shoulder.

It was a simple, inadvertent touch, one I had never intended to make, but it set in motion a chain of events that sent a shockwave through the room. Suddenly, we were both aware of the undeniable, magnetic pull between us.

Our eyes locked, realization dawning upon both of us. It was the undeniable, irrefutable bond of mates – a concept spoken of in pack legends but rarely experienced firsthand. It was the intertwining of two souls on a profound level, a connection that transcended the ordinary.

The air between us became charged with tension, our heartbeats synchronizing, and in that moment, I knew that despite the complexities of our predicament, we had found something incredible and rare. We were mates, bound together in ways beyond our comprehension.

My professional demeanor shattered as I looked at Sebastian, my voice laced with disbelief. "Am I tripping on acid or something? Cut the cameras...deadass."

Sebastian's face remained stoic, and he regarded me with a serious expression. "No, Lilian. This is real. You're my mate."

I took a step back, feeling a swirl of emotions, from shock to confusion. "Are you sure? There must be a mistake."

He shook his head, his gaze unwavering. "There's no mistake. The wolf in my head has officially made you the only thing he wants."

"Whoa, buddy, slow down," I retorted with a mix of amusement and incredulity. "Keep it in your pants."

At my remark, he growled low in his throat, a primal response that left me even more astonished. Mates or not, we had just entered a new, complex realm of the supernatural world that neither of us fully understood.

I was pacing around the room, my mind a whirlwind of disbelief. "I don't know what the hell this means. I don't believe in mates." Then, the words slipped out before I could stop them, "And you're way too attractive for me."

Sebastian merely shook his head, clearly more accepting of this than I was. He stood up, his tall frame towering over me, and his voice was reassuring, "Calm down, mate."

I met his gaze, feeling overwhelmed. "Don't 'mate me' and calm down?! In a time of crisis?!"

I couldn't help but mutter to myself, "This is bad, really, really bad."

Sebastian tried to downplay it. "I don't think it's that bad."

I glared at him, frustrated. "Dude, the pack hates... scratch that, loathes me!"

He remained steadfast. "Then they'll have to learn not to do that."

I was exasperated. "What in the actual fuc-"

"Watch your language."

"F*** off!"

I was feeling overwhelmed, and the words tumbled out without my usual filter. "Sorry, I have anxiety," I blurted out. His shock was palpable; I hadn't been unprofessional before.

I tried to find a solution to the bizarre situation we found ourselves in. "I suggest we keep our situation under wraps," I said, hoping to avoid unwanted attention. But his reaction was not what I expected.

"I don't like that," he grumbled.

Desperation welled up within me. "I need to prove myself to the pack, including the people under you. I can't do that if your... Himbo alpha," I gestured towards his physique, "is making people like me because they're afraid of punishment."

He reluctantly agreed. "Fine, but my wolf won't let you out of his sight."

I scoffed. "Well, tell him to go lick a rock or something; he's not getting anything."

He reminded me to watch my words. "Witch, watch your words," he replied firmly.

Then I made a sudden announcement, needing some space to think. "I'm going shopping."

Sebastian seemed determined to be by my side. "I guess I'm coming with you."

As we entered the shopping center, it was impossible not to notice that all eyes were on the alpha who remained within arm's length of me. The pack members were intrigued, curious, or perhaps bewildered by our unexpected companionship.

Feeling a bit petty, I decided to have some fun while I browsed boutiques and clothing racks. I selected a cute little pink bag, making it my personal mission to see how long I could get him to carry it for me. It was highly amusing to watch him hold the bag and dutifully follow me down each rack during my shopping search.

Amidst the shopping, we encountered various pack members who couldn't resist asking questions or offering comments. Their reactions were a mix of surprise, intrigue, and a touch of jealousy.

One pack member approached us, grinning from ear to ear. "Alpha Callahan, I didn't expect to see you shopping today!"

Sebastian offered a polite nod and replied, "A change of pace is good now and then."

The pack member turned to me, a glint of curiosity in her eyes. "And you, Lilian, are you enjoying your time with the alpha?"

I tried to suppress a smirk and replied nonchalantly, "Oh, he's great at holding my shopping bags."

The pack member chuckled, seemingly amused by the banter. "Well, I hope you find everything you need."

As we continued our shopping journey, the alpha dutifully followed along, holding my bags, and engaging in polite conversation with anyone who approached.

It was a strange yet surprisingly amusing experience to see this dominant figure in the pack acting as my shopping assistant.

"This bond is doing shit to me" he says while adjusting my bag on his shoulder. "My wolf feels proud"

"Oh! One lady thing I need to do," I said, recalling the mirror I had left at the store the other day and never had the chance to pick up.

As we entered the shop, the old man greeted me with a grin. "Ms. Lilian! I have your old mirror."

"Great," I replied with a happy smile, thankful that the mirror was still here. I grabbed the bags from Sebastian, who hesitated for a moment but then handed them over.

Feeling mischievous, I playfully put my hand on his shoulder and looked up at him. "Alright, Alpha, help me move my mirror," I said with a playful glint in my eye.

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