run me over pls

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Sebastian looked at me like I was crazy, his brow furrowing in disbelief. "That's... not possible," he starts to deny.

I roll my eyes, frustration bubbling up inside me. "Isn't it a little weird," I interrupt, "that I can do handless magic and use spells from the Diaberie?"

Sebastian shakes his head, still hesitant. "That's not solid evidence," he insists.

I continue to argue my case, my frustration growing. "Sebastian, come on," I urge, my voice rising with exasperation. "Remember when I took the darkness out of Sarah? It was like it was calling to me. And not to mention, I'm mated to an alpha!"

Sebastian's expression softens as he considers my points. "Okay, fine," he concedes, realizing the weight of the evidence. "But what does this mean?"

I look at Sebastian, my gaze unwavering. "Do you trust me?" I ask, searching his eyes for any hint of doubt.

Sebastian pauses, his gaze meeting mine as if he's weighing his answer. Finally, he nods. "I do," he replies firmly.



I focus my mind, channeling my magic to teleport directly into the heart of the town. The familiar sensation of energy coursing through me fills my senses as I materialize inside a rundown shop.

The shop as I predicted was the root of the spell. There were signs of expansion here. Ironically enough, the elder of the pack was located inside the gentle shop.

There, amidst the darkness, I find a figure lying still, shrouded in the deathly sleep spell. With a wave of my hand, I unleash waves of purple energy, breaking the spell and rousing the person from their slumber.

As the person stirs awake, I step forward, my heart pounding with urgency. "Rise and Shine cupcake, I need your help," I tell them, my voice firm.

The person who wakes up turns out to be the town's elder. They blink, disoriented, before focusing on me. "Who... who are you?" they ask, their voice trembling.

"A person trying to help you," I reply not giving much away. "What do you remember?"

"I was looking for a gift for my niece." he begins. "Then the stone on the head of the door began to glow,"

"It was the Moonwitch,

I freeze, my mind reeling at the accusation. "It can't be I'm the Moonwitch," I stammer, disbelief washing over me.

The elder's eyes widen in shock. "No, you can't be," they insist, shaking their head. "The Moon witch is the one who cast the spell, trapping us all in this nightmare."

I shake off the shock and clear my throat, focusing on the task at hand. "Regardless of who cast the spell, I need your help," I say to the elder, my voice steady.

He looks at me with a mixture of confusion and apprehension. "Help with what?"

"I need you to guide me to the sacred grounds," I explain, determination shining in my eyes.

The elder's expression shifts, his eyes narrowing as he considers my request. "Why do you seek the sacred grounds?" he asks cautiously.

"Look around you," I say, referring to the eerie silence and dark environment.

The elder hesitates for a moment, then sighs. "Head west," he says finally, his voice resigned. "You'll find a pillar. If you truly are the Moonwitch, it will guide you to the sacred grounds."

I nod, a sense of determination coursing through me. "Thank you," I reply, grateful for his assistance.

"You need to hide," I insist, concern etching my voice. But the elder shakes his head.

"I can't stay here," he argues. "If they find me, they might torture me for information."

I bite my lip, considering his words. "But the Nocturnal can undo the death sleep spell," I point out, hoping to ease his worries.

The elder's expression darkens. "It wasn't the Nocturnal who cast the spell," he confesses quietly. "It was the Moonwitch."

My heart sinks at his revelation. "Then we need to keep you safe," I declare, determination fueling my words.

The elder shakes his head again. "No, Lilian," he insists. "You don't understand. If you truly are the Moonwitch, then in your past life, you cast the spell."

My eyes glow with a soft purple hue as I realize the significance of his words. "I never told you my name," I say slowly, a chill running down my spine. "But you know who I am."

He begins to stutter, looking very nervous. I take a step back as I watch him unfold and mutter nonsense.


As the elder utters those words, a sudden horror grips me. Before my eyes, his form begins to contort, his flesh twisting and melting into a grotesque mass on the ground. A chilling scream escapes his lips, echoing through the desolate streets.

My shock turns to horror as I watch in disbelief, unable to comprehend the gruesome scene unfolding before me. The man's agonized cries fill the air, mingling with the sickening sound of flesh rending and bones snapping.

Realization hits me like a physical blow. "He broke a blood oath," I whisper, the words heavy with dread.

I stumble back, my heart pounding in my chest as I witness the gruesome consequences of his actions. The man's suffering intensifies, his body writhing in torment as if consumed by an invisible fire.

In that moment, I am frozen, unable to look away from the horrifying spectacle before me. The weight of what I've just witnessed settles over me like a suffocating blanket, leaving me shaken to my core.

I stumble out of the shop, my breaths coming in ragged gasps as I reel from the shock of what I've just witnessed. Panic grips me, squeezing my chest in a vise-like grip as tears blur my vision. My whole body trembles, the world spinning around me in a disorienting blur.

With each step, the memory of the man's screams echoes in my mind, a haunting refrain that refuses to fade. The stench of blood and gore fills my nostrils, making bile rise in my throat. I stagger to the nearest curb and double over, retching violently as the contents of my stomach spill out onto the ground.

My head pounds with each heave, my body wracked with tremors of fear and revulsion. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, feeling cold sweat bead on my forehead. My breath comes in ragged gasps as I struggle to compose myself, but the images of the man's horrific demise continue to play on an endless loop in my mind.

I press my hands to my temples, trying to block out the memories, but they refuse to relent. Tears stream down my cheeks as I struggle to regain control of my racing thoughts. The weight of what I've seen bears down on me like a lead weight, crushing me with its sheer enormity.

At that moment, I feel utterly alone, consumed by the darkness that threatens to swallow me whole. I take a shaky breath, willing myself to push through the overwhelming tide of emotions threatening to drown me. But deep down, I know that the horror of what I've witnessed will haunt me long after this night is over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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