For Fucks Sake

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"Is it always this cold in here?" Matilda asks looking around the place nervously.

"This will be your room," I say motioning to a cell. She looks at the cell wide-eyed.

"Take a joke, asshole," I say firmly. "Sarah is right through this door, cell to your right you'll see her."

"You aren't coming?" She asks looking at the door nervously.

"Magic interferes when dark magic is present" I reiterate smugly.

She looks at me slightly scared and steps away from the door. "You've concluded it's dark magic?"

"I have very good evidence to support this," I say nodding my head. Reluctantly, she goes towards the door and goes inside the room. Sarah is being restrained so as long as she doesn't touch her it should be fine.

Considering this girl is supposed to know more than I am. I somewhat trust what she's doing.

"I'll be out here, holler if you need...assistance" I say with distaste. Yeah, I was still being an ass about it.

Closing the door so I no longer can hear everything inside. But I keep a watch on the screen on the iPad on the wall.

Matilda walks into the room and observes Sarah. I noticed she writing down some notes in her notebook.

"Is she okay?" I hear a voice very close behind my ear. I jump in fear and my magic spits out and slightly shoves the person.

"Nate!" I yell out angrily. "Give a girl a warning"

"Sorry," he apologizes. "How's she doing?"

"She's conducting observations, she'll probably do that for a good while until we formulate a plan," I say hypothetically. I focus back on the iPad to find Matilda setting down her notes and pulling her sleeves back.

I notice her mutter some words and suddenly I'm running opening the door.

"Whoa!" Nate exclaims running with me too. We run into the room where Matilda is muttering a spell.

I notice the magic is flowing towards Sarah and she's groaning in pain. She's beginning to grow increasingly more feral.

"We need to get this in control" Nathaniel yells looking at Matilda.

I don't respond and instinctively send a wave of magic toward her. It sends her out of her loop and throws her to the ground. I look over at Sarah who looks a bit pale but no longer has a feral appearance.

"Are you a fucking idiot?" I yell at Matilda angrily. She tries to get up from the floor and struggles.

"I was performing the enlightenment spell for healing" she argues. I pinch the bridge of my nose frustrated.

"Yes, that spell would've worked...for a toddler with a cold!" I seethe. "This is dark magic. It's intricate and dangerous. Didn't you study this shit? And you call me stupid"

"I've never called you stupid." She declares.

"You're fucking impossible," I say frustrated. Nathaniel steps in, "Ms. Cunningham, I believe it's best you leave and allow our witch to handle the mess you've created."

She stands up and walks towards the door limping. Nathaniel is behind her making sure she goes to her room. He motions around the room as I flick my hand the knocked-over table goes to its place.

I look at Sarah who's acting even more unusual. She's staring at something with deep concern. Her eyes suddenly lock with mine and I see her eyes have a purple hue to them now. Her skin is almost gray with how pale she is.

"It's here," she says suddenly like she's in a trance.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her looking at her in concern. I have no idea why she's so calm and responsive now.

"I see her" she repeats louder and more angry. "she's here."

"Sarah?" I say slightly creeping out.

"you." She says in a monotone voice. "You're there."

"Why am I there?" I ask her. If my magic somehow made her like this then it must be temporary. I take a seat on the foot of her bed.

"It's you," she says with a creepy smile. "You're a good."

"What?" I ask confused. I was starting to think I needed Sebastian in here for moral support.

"If anyone can," she says suddenly. "You can kill her,"

Grabbing the light on the table, I head towards Sarah. "I'm going to check your pupil dilation,"

She allows me to go close to her and I pry her lids open. Her pupils appear like saucers from how dilated they have become. "You're in withdrawals"

"Miss, Lilian" I hear from the door. I see elder Rogelio emerge with Sebastian behind him. "Are you alright?"

"Fine. Her pupils are completely blown, common side effects for those who have been taken the soul out of" I inform. "We call it withdrawal because the symptoms are similar, not exact"

Rogelio approaches Sarah and confirms my suspicions. I grab a notepad and write down instructions for the pack pharmacy. "She'll need to be placed on medication"

Rogelio grabs the notes and frowns. "This is a strong dose."

I look at Sarah's pale and clammy figure in bed. It was something straight out of a horror movie. "She's a walking...She's a corpse"

"I send someone," Sebastian speaks up seeing the damage around the room. I know he must have felt guilty for bringing Matilda here.

"Right," I say walking past them and up the stairs of the cellars. I can hear their faint conversation in the distance.

I open the door and I'm met with a panicking Nate. "She's...I have no idea what she's doing but she's going batshit crazy."

"AHH," I hear a scream emerge from the living room and a crash.

"I swear to god," I say angrily. I stomp my way toward the commotion. Nate trails behind me as I walk in ready the give her a piece of my mind.

I looked at the room and it was fine. Matilda on the other hand? She was giving mass hysteria and ready to deliver the most gut-wrenching soliloquy known to mankind. "Alright there buddy, let's stop harassing the couch cushion"

She looks up from the pillow with tears and snot around her peachy face. Matilda looked like a kicked puppy. "You were right, I am such an idiot."

"You got that right," Nate mutters as he heads toward the knock on the door. As he opens the door Donny is behind it. "Did she fuck up? I fucking knew it...oh fuck"

Matilda begins her weeping once again. Nate and I look at Donny, while he puts his hands up in defense.

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