Im the problem

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I took a deep breath, anxiety tightening my chest as I approached the cell where Sarah was confined. She looked different, wild, and untamed. Nathaniel stood beside me, his presence offering some comfort as I tried to focus. Sebastian had no idea what we were about to attempt.

"Sarah," I called out gently. She turned her feral gaze towards me, her eyes a swirling maelstrom of anger and confusion. "I'm here to help, okay? We'll get you out of there."

She growled, a low, guttural sound that sent shivers down my spine. The cage bars rattled as she slammed her fists against them.

"Let's give it a shot," Nathaniel whispered. I nodded, my fingers trembling slightly as I propped the ancient book in the air using my magic.

I began to read the enchantments from the book, each word feeling like a heavy stone on my tongue. The incantations floated through the air, but nothing happened. The cell remained intact, and Sarah's anger only intensified.

I glanced at Nathaniel, frustration and fear etched on my face. "Why isn't it working?"

He shook his head, equally bewildered. "I don't know, Lily. Maybe it's the book. Maybe we need something else."

As we stood there, helplessness washing over us, Sarah's angry eyes remained locked on me.

I was becoming increasingly frustrated as my attempts using the ancient book yielded no results. Hours had passed, and I had practiced the incantations over and over, each time hoping for a different outcome. But Sarah remained trapped, her anger and feral nature unabated.

Sebastian's arrival caught me off guard. I sensed his calming presence before I even saw him, and it was the one thing I needed the least at that moment.

"Lilian," he began gently, but his voice only served to irritate me further.

"Sebastian, not now!" I snapped, the frustration in my voice clear as day. He was only trying to help, but I couldn't see that in my current state of mind.

Sebastian sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Alright, I understand. How about you take a break? Go grab some lunch; you've tried your best."

I turned away from him, not wanting to acknowledge his offer. Instead, I tried another incantation, one that was supposed to be different from the others, hoping it would yield some results. But it was in vain.

Sebastian didn't press me further. He had a way of understanding when I needed space. With a reassuring nod, he let me be, and I watched him walk away.

As I continued my fruitless attempts, Sebastian spoke with his beta, about the situation. It was clear he wasn't upset with him, and he mentioned that he was only following the Luna's request.

I was on the brink of tears, a whirlwind of frustration and confusion taking hold of me as the incantations I had practiced with such precision yielded no results. Why wasn't it working? The words were right; I knew they were right.

I was nearly shouting, "It was supposed to work! It was supposed to work!"

Sebastian, recognizing that I needed to be pulled away from the situation, grabbed me firmly yet gently and steered me out of the room. He looked into my eyes with understanding but also concern. I could feel his strong presence soothing me as I struggled to regain my composure.

The Alpha turnedd to Nathaniel, his voice authoritative, "Nate, take a day off."

Nathaniel nodded and didn't question the order. He knew when to follow and take a step back.

As we walked away from the cells, I couldn't shake the feeling of frustration and helplessness. Why hadn't the spells worked? It made no sense. I had done everything right, and the book had opened for me. What was I missing? I couldn't help but feel like there was something crucial I was overlooking.

As my emotions still swirled in confusion and frustration, Sebastian led me to his office, a place that felt incredibly personal to him. The warmth of the room and the various personal touches within made me feel a bit lighter, even in the midst of my confusion.

He gestured to the shelves filled with books and trinkets, saying softly, "This is where I gather my thoughts, Lilian. It's my sanctuary." I couldn't help but appreciate the insight he was giving me into his world.

And then, he did something that took me by surprise. Sebastian gently placed his hand under my chin and lifted it so our eyes locked. There was a tenderness in his gaze that spoke volumes. His thumb softly wiped away a stray tear that had escaped, and he said, "We'll find the answers, Lilian. You're not alone in this, okay?"

I nodded, deeply touched by his words. I couldn't help but lean in, resting my head against his chest, savoring the warmth and the sense of security he provided.

He suggested, "Maybe we should have one of the elders look at the book. They might offer some insights."

It was in that moment, with my head against his chest, that I realized just how much I had come to rely on this man. I couldn't imagine facing these mysteries and challenges without him. But a lingering worry tugged at me as I glanced up, noticing the circles under his eyes. It was a reminder that he, too, carried his own burdens, his own struggles.

As I gently traced my fingers under his eyes, he sighed and admitted, "Werewolves don't sleep that great without their mate, Lilian. It's a protection mechanism. We rest easier when we know our loved ones are near."

His words resonated deep within me. It was a reminder of the profound bond we shared, and it made me realize that our connection went far beyond just emotional support. We needed each other on a primal level.

With a newfound determination, I suggested, "Sebastian, maybe we should sleep together from now on. It might help both of us get the rest we need."

He looked into my eyes, and I could see the gratitude and relief in his gaze. "I'd like that, Lilian."

It was a simple decision, but it was a step toward a deeper connection, one that went beyond the magical and mystical aspects of our lives.

As our lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss, the connection between us deepened. The warmth of his embrace and the softness of his lips against mine made my heart race. Our hands explored each other's bodies with a gentle urgency, fueled by the desire that had been growing between us.

But, just as things started to get a bit more heated, we both pulled back, our breaths ragged. Our eyes locked, and we shared a moment of understanding. There was a world of passion and longing in that brief pause, but we knew that it was essential to take things one step at a time.

Sebastian whispered, "Lilian, I want you more than anything, but I also want to respect your boundaries and make sure we're both ready for this."

I smiled, appreciating his consideration, and replied, "I feel the same way, Sebastian. Let's take it slow."

He kisses my forehead softly before bringing me into a hug. "I still haven't forgotten how you yelled at me"

"Get over it you big baby" I retort with my eyes closed enjoying the moment.

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