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After dinner, Sebastian bid us goodnight, and my parents retired to bed. However, I found myself tossing and turning in my own bed, unable to find rest.

As any witch would do, I decided to make use of my magical privileges and found myself on my mate's front porch. To my surprise, he answered the door right away, his disheveled hair and sleepy eyes greeting me.

Without a word, I entered his home, and the comforting scent of his presence enveloped me. After hearing the door lock behind me, I couldn't help but notice the creaking of the floorboards beneath my feet. "I'm heading to bed. Help yourself to anything in the fridge."

"You're quite the host," I replied with a playful smile, turning to meet his curious gaze.

"Maybe I am. I'm not exactly a night person," he admitted.

"Technically, it's 3 a.m., so you're not a morning person either," I corrected. He glanced at me briefly and then, with surprising ease, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey!" I squeaked. "Where are we going?"

"To bed," he answered, making his way up the stairs with me in tow. With a gentle thump, he set me down on his bed.

"That was a bit forward," I remarked with a frown, but he shushed me and tucked me under the blanket with him. It was warmer under here than I'd prefer. I observed his sharp features as his eyes closed.

Curious, I reached out and lightly touched his forehead. He responded by grabbing my hand and pulling me closer, wrapping his arms around me.

"Is this a bad time to mention I'm still in my outside clothes?" I asked, but he didn't answer, simply taking in the scent of my hair and settling into further comfort.

Eventually, I fell asleep and it was the most I've ever slept in years.

The next morning, I awoke to the warm embrace of Sebastian's arms around me. It had been a surprisingly peaceful night, and I felt more comfortable than I had in a long time. We had shared a quiet and cozy breakfast, just the two of us, and I couldn't help but smile at our couply morning.

However, our idyllic moment was interrupted when Nathaniel, the beta, entered the room. He had a curious look on his face, and I sensed that he had something important to discuss.

"Morning, guys. Hope I'm not intruding," Nathaniel said, eyeing us as he made his way to the kitchen.

I gave a friendly wave, but my heart raced a little. Sebastian and I had just shared an intimate moment together. I knew that Nathaniel had a keen eye for observing relationships and pack dynamics. He was here to talk about something, and I wasn't sure I would like where this was going.

As we sat around the kitchen table, Sebastian was the one to break the silence. "Nathaniel, I can see that you're concerned about something. What's on your mind?"

Nathaniel hesitated for a moment before he spoke. "I want to talk about the two of you. Lilian, you've been a great asset to our pack, and I've witnessed the bond you and Sebastian share. However, I think it's time we discuss the reality of our world."

I exchanged a glance with Sebastian, unsure of where this conversation was headed. Nathaniel continued, "Sebastian, we both know that you're an alpha, and with that title comes certain responsibilities. One day, you will find your mate, and it's essential for our pack's stability that you bond with her...our Luna."

Sebastian, his expression serious, took my hand. "Nathaniel, I appreciate your concern. We've put this off quite a bit, you should know Lilian is my mate."

Nathaniel's eyes widened in shock. He was speechless for a moment, trying to process this revelation. "Your mate? Are you sure about this, Sebastian?"

Sebastian nodded firmly. "I've never been more certain about anything in my life. Lilian and I are meant to be together, and I won't let her go. I hope you can understand and support us."

Nathaniel took a deep breath and eventually nodded. "I may not fully understand it, but I've seen your bond, and I trust your judgment, alpha. The pack might not readily accept a witch as our alpha's mate,"

With a sense of relief, I smiled, thankful for Nathaniel's acceptance. We knew that our relationship might not be the conventional path, but we were determined to face whatever challenges came our way.

"Glad that's out of the way, because I need to discuss something with you both" I announce.


"If you call me luna one more time, I'll shove this croissant so far up your ass it'll become crème brûlée" I threatened. He looks offended and shocks.

"Right then" he says shaking his head. "Lilian, what were you thinking?"

"So Sarah, I think there a way to help her. But I need a spell book, it's called the Diablerie" I inform and take a bite of my eggs.

"What does the Diablo do?" Nathaniel asks curiously.

"Diablerie" I correct his pronouncing.

"It's a profoundly arcane and enigmatic work of literature within the depths of the shadowy realms of witchcraft" I begin my explanation. Both look at me like I've grown three heads.

While tossing and turning last night a thought came into my head. The only spell that could have any remote chance that would inflict that kind of pain on someone would be in that book.

So would be the key to unshackling Sarah from her dire predicament. Hopefully this dark and intricate written passage held the potential to unravel the nefarious forces that had entangled her essence, inch by cursed inch, liberating her from the clutches of malevolent magic.

"Well, the good news is there's a copy" I reply swiftly. "Bad news is, that's the only copy"

"What happened to the original?" Sebastian asks frowning. This book was very rare.

"It was destroyed." I reply.

"By what?" Nathaniel asks.

"The Nocturnal" I say holding back the obvious danger this book held.

"Better question, who made the copy?" Sebastian asks.

I pause and look at both of them. "The Nocturnal Did, she thought it posed a danger but the copy is nothing compared to the original."

" The book is guided by ancient incantations, it was poised to sever the connections to the darkness" I explain trying to convince them. "Remember how I told you, she touched the dark & came back swinging?"

"Kelly Clarkson?" Nathaniel says with wide eyes.

"No, the witch" Sebastian says scolding him.

"If all goes we'll be able to bring her back from the brink of despair and into the realm of the living." I finish my explanation.

"What do you say?" I say after the silence.

"No" Sebastian says firmly.

A Witch's HowlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang