What did my hormones physically affect

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My hormones had a few different physical effects

Weight~I gained quite a bit of weight on hormones, I was quite literally skin and bones pre-hormones, you could actually see my rib cage and my legs were soooooo tiny, now I'm still pretty skinny but my legs gained more fat along with my cheeks and stomach area

Body hair~Pre-hormones, I was a hairy gal. I had hair lining practically everywhere on my body, now my arm hair is practically gone, and my underarm hair has gone way down, my legs didn't clear up as much as I'd hoped but I can now go a few days without shaving when before I had to shave every. single. day

Face~As I explained before I gained a significant amount of weight while on hormones, my face was no exception. Again, I have more fat on my cheeks but I also have more on my jawline making my chin less defined/masculine as it was before. I've also finally reached the point where I don't have to shave my face anymore or pluck my eyebrows like every day, now I just go get waxed like once a month

Hair~I used to have BAD dandruff like all the time, my hair also used to be so brittle and I truly struggled to brush it on some days, now it's much more silky and my dandruff is completely gone. Thanks to my hair supplement it's also grown quite a bit in a much shorter period of time

Skin~My skin used to be SO DRY and cracked like 24/7, now it's so much softer

Extra~I don't know exactly how to describe this but I used to have like really distinct and visible veins. I remember my entire arms just being so freaking veiny. Now I just have normal arms

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