Top surgery #1

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I had my first ever top surgery two years ago after hormones didn't make me feel satisfied. And it was an......unpleasant experience to say the least

Red flag #1 should've been that the doctor wanted to do the surgery with me awake at first. He basically told me that it would just be a "small incision" to add the implants plus I would be under conscious sedation like laughing gas so I would be fine

Obviously, my parents said heck no before I could even process what he told me. He got kinda frustrated but eventually agreed to put me to sleep only after my parents explained like fifty times that I have chronic anxiety and that's just not an option for me

So fast forward to surgery day, first of all, the staff  is SO RUDE and unprofessional. I remember the nurse who came in and did my IV asked about why I was getting implants at such a young age and when my parents told her I was trans she said "Well just so you know, this will be one of the most painful things you'll ever experience. Don't be surprised if you want to remove them after a few weeks" and I was just like "....excuse me?"

Not only did it take her FIVE TIMES to get the IV in, after she got it in she left me and my parents sitting there for TWO HOURS before they even wheeled me back. And then had the audacity to say "We might have to wait a little bit your heart rate and blood pressure is really high!"

If she would take one look at my chart she would see that again, I have chronic anxiety and you just left me there with a needle in my arm with no explanation :/

I don't want to get into all the things that went wrong. But let's just say there were zero accommodations for my anxiety, there was no warning before they started injecting the fluid to put me to sleep, and when I woke up confused and scared no one would communicate with me and the only reason I calmed down was because they basically started yelling in my face saying if I don't calm down they'll restrain me to the bed. I have a bad history with s***al a**ult and that really triggered my fear instincts so I just froze and sat there crying

Then of course when my parents asked why I was deliriously sobbing and shaking they blamed it on the medicine

All of this just for basically nothing to change and I now have permanent scar tissue 😊

Yes we took them to court. Yes we won. Yes we now have 400,00 dollars saved in the bank account 🥰

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