How did i come out?

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I was fortunate enough to never have to be scared about who I was since I grew up with a bunch of babysitting while my parents traveled. I have two uncles who were my babysitters, I never really knew anything about their marriage other than instead of being mom and dad to my cousins they were just dad and dad, and I always thought that was really cool

I remember when I was little I always told my mom I didn't want to wear boy clothes, I wanted to wear girl clothes. And my mom said okay, you can wear girl clothes, and so I did. When I was a little older I wanted makeup, one of my uncles was a makeup artist and always did it for me every single time he came over

Fast forward to when I was thirteen, I remember crying to my pediatrician that I didn't know who I was anymore and I hated being a boy and I wanted to be a girl. I had an official assessment and was diagnosed with gender dysmorphia

That night, I sat my parents down and told them "I'm a girl, I always have been, and I just want you to know"

And here we are four years later! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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