What did my hormones mentally affect

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My hormones had a few different mental affects

Emotional~I'm not gonna lie, you do get like ten times more emotional when you're on estrogen, I used to watch those military people coming home videos for fun, I can't do that anymore without sobbing

Anxiety~I was diagnosed with anxiety by multiple professionals along with my body dysphoria when I was in middle school at like 13 but it got a lot worse when I went on hormones. I definitely wouldn't say it's totally life ruining like it is for many friends of mine but it's definitely more of a challenge and I still struggle to properly accommodate myself

Optimism~I was one of the biggest pessimists in the world before I started hormones. I saw no point in life, I didn't have a plan for my future let alone a back up plan, I was failing school not because I didn't have the smarts but because I saw no point and didn't care, and I was severely depressed because I thought life was just meaningless if you weren't born in the right body like the bio girls I was jealous of. Now I'm happier than I've ever been and I'm actually excited to wake up every day and see the new adventure ahead of me

S*x drive: This one's a little personal but before all I could think about when it came to my future was s*xual things, my actual plan was to do p*rnh*b for the rest of my life, now I honestly don't have any desire to participate in those things, like, ever......or at least not right now I don't

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