8. A Variable

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Mana channels through my body and enters the sword.


A clean cut separates a wooden dummy into two.

"Huff huff..." I glance at my sword. Partial swirls of mana dance around the blade.

"Finally...I've started manifesting aura." I say and collapse on the ground.

Mages store mana in their "heart" but knights store it throughout their body. It took some time but I can manipulate mana with ease now.

In the darkness at the training grounds, I stare at the stars above.

One month has passed since my "second death".

I pondered a lot of things from that incident...

I am a variable. Each of my actions affects the future and destiny of people. Then that begs the question: what future do I want to achieve?

For now, I'm not exactly sure. I just want people close to live happily.



To be honest, Julius is not that bad of a person despite his arrogance and foul mouth. Aiden's bruised face was a misunderstanding on my part, done by some other noble cadets and Julius stopped them from hitting Aiden further.

So far, from what I've observed, Aiden wasn't given any difficult tasks, albeit some being quite humiliating.


Aiden didn't care. He only has me as his friend.

I hate to admit it but a small part of me is thankful to Julius. Ten gold coins is something even my years of mercenary work cannot attain.
But I can't get rid of this humiliating resentment...

No, that's just an excuse. I'm just disappointed in myself; The power made me complacent.

Well, it's not like I can kill him too. Under his leadership, the Darto kingdom persevered from the outworlders' invasion.

Lastly, the incident granted me a "skill".

Death sixth sense

Having experienced death, you can detect it approaching.

This was the reason I avoided the fatal magic shots.


"Phew..." I get up and stretch my body.

I've decided. I don't care if I have to take some risks, I have to become stronger as fast as possible, only then can I save my father and my friend.

If the future hasn't deviated much, an event will explode in the elf territory a week later. That's my cue.

I upgraded my sword talent to tier seven one month ago and found not much difference except for my concentration improving.

"Alright...this will be it for today..." I mumble to myself.

"A clean strike." Kaine's voice suddenly sprouts behind.


"You don't seem surprised," Kaine says beside the wooden dummy.

I caught Kaine's constant supervision three weeks ago. He was worried about my demeanour after what happened. In addition, I was ostracized and treated badly by other cadets and instructors after getting on their bad side. However, I didn't care.

Kaine gazes at the half-torso of the wooden dummy. "Congratulations on entering the elite realm. For someone with no special guidance or resources, that is an impressive feat."

"Thank you, sir. I still have a long way to go." I bow at Kaine.


Kaine walks closer and stares at me eye to eye. "What happened during the break? You've changed, become mature and experienced."


"I wasn't sure of it before but I can no longer deny it. A swift and accurate cut to vitals." He turns to the dummy. "Your swordsmanship is precise and deadly yet barbaric and crude...like a mercenary."


Sir Kaine is sharp.

"Well, if you don't wish to share it, I won't pry. I have a suggestion for you." Kaine hands me an envelope with the academy's crest seal. "Participate in the tournament in two months, you have my recommendation. With your rate of growth, you will surely catch one of the top spots. Julius desires the prizes of the top three. Win and you might have a chance to free your friend."

"I...understand." I take the envelope and slide it into my pocket.

Kaine nods and smiles. "You remind me of someone." He mumbles.


"Oh yes, your excuse request is accepted. You are free to leave the academy for a week." Kaine switches the topic.

"Noted, thank you," I reply.

"What do you plan to do with the week?"

"Grow stronger."


"Alright, do your best. Head home for the day."

"Thank you for everything, Sir! Have a good night!" I say.

Kaine nods as he leaves.

Although I want to stop by my home, I don't have the time. I need to leave now.

2 days later...

To the east of the capital, a towering ominous serrated spine of mountains rooted sentinel, dividing the realms of human and elf. Carved by time, their peaks shrouded in mist, exuding an aura of foreboding.

"Young man! We are here!" the coachman says.

I step out of the carriage into a kingdom of wonders and nature. The city, nestled within vast ancient forests, boasts structures blending seamlessly with giant trees and plants. Infrastructures are crafted from silver-veined wood adorned with intricate nature's harmony. Luminescent flora and magical crystals cast a soft, enchanting glow, illuminating winding pathways of iridescent moss. Vines intertwine to form bridges connecting suspended platforms among branches.

Inhabitants, similar to the city and nature, coexist in mutual respect and understanding. Trade flourishes as both humans and elves share knowledge and resources, forming a common ground for cultural exchange.

This is the city of Foresnagh in the Elven Kingdom, closest to Darto Kingdom.


The sight of humans chatting happily with elves fills my heart with guilt. The current emperor emphasizes peace and prosperity with the elves but after his assassination, humans started attacking elves with the support of some nobles. Their ethereal beauty and high affinity with spirits are sought by humans.

The broken peace and alliance between humans are elves are one of the many reasons humans suffered during the outworlders' invasion.

I am not innocent either. I was desperate for money and participated in elves trafficking.


I take a deep breath and calm myself. I can still redeem myself.

I pull over my bag and check my belongings. My finances are looking bad because I spent a month's worth of allowance to travel here quickly.

"Thank you, sir," I say to the coachman and we both bid each other farewell.

Suddenly, another carriage stops ahead of me and someone familiar alights. Her black hair sways in the breeze as she brushes her bangs aside.

She glances at me when I attempt to walk away.
"Hm? You are that person...Loi?" Mina says.

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