3. Set

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Morana Alistar

I got to the building, studying the interior and how I wanted it done since the casino downtown finished.

"I assume the top floor is your penthouse." The man said and I nodded.

"She gave an in detail blueprint of what she wants in her home on the top floor counter." Zara stepped in.

"I'll get to that now."

"Looking good." Kieran's voice echoed and I turned.

They studied the place and I could swear they were brothers.

Although I'd done research proving they were best friends.

They both stood tall and broad, both incredibly handsome. Both with jet black hair.

Davian was 33, a year older than Kieran. But it didn't show at all.

Davian had black hair, tanned skin, bright green eyes, and a nose ring. Tattoos covered his hands and arms, his back tattooed thoroughly, only one tattoo on the left side of his throat.

Kieran had nearly black colored eyes like his hair, skin paler than Davian's, he had a lip piercing and tattoos everywhere. Not one place on his upper body wasn't done.

I knew this as I refuse to do business with men I don't know about. I refuse to have them know more of me than I do them.

Nothing will happen without my ability to pin exactly who'd done it.

With that, comes heavy detail.

And they must workout and eat together because their bear-like build was the exact same.

Their aura was pure power and testosterone.

It was terrible.

I greeted them with a nod.

"Nice seeing you assholes again." Zara smiled and I frowned.

"Brat." Kieran nodded as if it were her name.

No glare, nothing.

He said it so casually and she scoffed.

I rubbed her back.

"This is Antony. He will be doing your build and entire design." Davian introduced a beautiful man and I smiled at Zara's face.

"Hi." She whispered.

I elbowed her.

"I'm Zara." She fixed her awe into a face of professional-ish intentions.

"Zara, Ms. Alistar. Nice meeting you."

"I'll take him through?" Zara asked and I nodded.

She giggled at his Spanish comment since he did speak it.

She returned the gesture in her native language as well.


"She likes him." Kieran smiled.

I shrugged.

His tongue licked over the ring on his lip.

They studied the place so far.

But Davian studied me and his gaze found my scar, staring for a while and I grew self-conscious.

I turned from them, covering up to my chin with my sweater as I took a breath.

Never have I felt an ache like while someone looking at my throat. Not even straight from the hospital.

But a firm hand found my back.

"Would you like to get lunch with us, Morana?" Kieran asked softly.

I shook my head no.

"It'll be on us. Forgive me for anything I did to earn that response." Davian said.

I avoided his eyes.

"Restroom. Then yeah." I nodded, my voice barely a whisper but Kieran heard me.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at the welt of my throat.

It wasn't bad.

It wasn't that noticeable.

I reassured myself as I felt over it.

I'm fine.

It's fine.

Zara came in and gave me a sad smile.

"Are you alright, honey?" She asked.

I shook my head and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I lifted her off the floor so my back wouldn't have to ache.

She laughed.

She signed to me.

I love you. Davian is sorry for what he did, let them take you to lunch. They seem to be kind to you this far. If they're paying just take it.

I shrugged.

Yeah. I'll go. Thank you. I love you too.

And I walked out with a puffed chest and false confidence.

"You sure you're willing to go?" Davian asked.

I nodded.

"Alright." Kieran smiled.

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