23. Gentle

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Kieran Richards

She came up in his clothing, she looked very small in our clothes, the only time I might say that.

Her entire mind flipped, she was once dominant and independent but we were breaking her down little by little.

Now we have a submissive baby who's nervous to be in a room with us.

"Come here love." Davian nodded and she walked over, he pulled her onto his lap and his hands immediately found the skin of her thighs as he began scratching along her legs and kneading the skin.

"Now we can get you a kindle. The kindle unlimited deal isn't a lot and it's a small thing so you don't have to carry the physical books. Whenever you want a book we can put our cards in and you can buy them whenever." I explained and showed her.

She nodded.

"Would you like that?" I looked at her and she nodded.

So I bought it before going to Amazon.

That Sik Luv- Jescie Hall.

"You want that?"

She nodded.


We did this for all the books she looked up.

Hideaway- Willow Prescott

Then she asked to see the computer for more books.

I nodded and was about to stand to move before she sat herself on my lap.

Davian smirked at my surprise.

She did a deep dive using google, looking up specific books with specific kinks.

I watched and Davian made note of all the kinks.

She looked up basic stalker trope, bought a few of those, she proceeded to look up CNC. Bought some of those.

"What's that mean, doll?" I asked, my hands on her waist.

"Mmmm, consensual, non-consensual."


"She consents to basic free use for her husband, so he doesn't have to ask, he just takes her." She whispered, her voice small and embarrassed.

I hummed.

She was leaning forward and resting her elbow on the desk so I began scratching her back.

Breeding caught me off guard.

"Why do you like that kind of thing?"

"I don't know."

"Yes you do. Don't be embarrassed, baby. Talk to us we genuinely wanna know." Davian had his hand on her thigh and she looked at him.

"I like how it's described to feel. I got a hysterectomy when I got married so I could be with multiple men for him to earn money. I can't have a child so reading similar things became... interesting." She grabbed the water we brought up for her and started chugging it.

I kept scratching her back.

She got a few of those.


"Do you like that stuff?" Davian asked.

She gave a simple nod.

And by the end she'd purchased a good amount.

"Done." She sat back and rested herself on me.

Davian adjusted closer to us, his hand between her thighs, squeezing.

They were so fucking thick I can only imagine the grip I'm gonna have when taking her from behind.


"I love this. I want my head right between them." He murmured, squeezing and gripping at her skin.

She covered her face, blushing and I smiled.

I grabbed her jaw.

"Would you let him do that? Taste your pretty pussy? Tongue fucking you till you cum all over his face. Don't you think that would make you feel so good?" I whispered in her ear and her body trembled, covering in goosebumps.

"It's okay. We'll move at your speed, beautiful." He grabbed her hands from her face.

She looked at him and he quirked a brow, smirking and I was wondering what she was thinking.

"I won't force you but you look a little happy right now." He chuckled.

I kissed her shoulder.

"I'm scared." She mumbled.

"Why baby?" I asked, taking her hands in mine, her entire hands holding onto my pointer and middle fingers.

"I've never had anything good come from that."

He hummed.

"Well I can swear my own pleasure isn't currently what I'm thinking about. I mean, I want to do it to see you feel good therefore it pleases me but you know what I mean." He drew small swirls and patterns on her thighs.

"It's supposed to feel good? Does it?"

"Sweetheart what did they do to you?" He frowned, his hands moving along her outer thighs, this tactic relaxing her into me.

"I don't know. It felt gross and hurt."

"No no no no. Love, it feels really good. I can take care of you and be so gentle." He basically whispered, his tone comforting.

She nodded.

"Are you sure? I won't do anything you don't want."

"I want it." She nodded and I handed her water as I stood, setting her on the ground.

He offered his hand and she took it after finishing a sip.

She looked back at me and I placed my hand on her back.

"I'm here." I nodded.

She looked down at my hand and I took her water, holding her hand as I followed them into his room.

"You can keep your shirt on if you'd like, but take off those boxers for me." He directed softly.


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