12. DVD

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Zara Leckenbee

"Wow." I whispered to Davian.

I've never seen someone play jump rope with someone's intestines let alone my brothers'.

"Is that too bad to show her? I don't want to traumatize her with her trauma." Kieran asked, his hand firm on Davian's shoulder.

I felt like throwing up.

"I've never- hold on." I sipped my coffee.

"That's the most gory shit I've seen. But knowing her, I think this would give her closure." I swallowed the nausea climbing up my throat.

He handed me a trash bin.

I flew here for this.

She must've found out since she started blowing up my phone.

"She's been binging the books, giving all of her paperwork to me. Now I've left, she needs the papers, and I'm not there." I chewed my nails in fear.

I called her.

She answered.

"Hi, Mo. I know, I'm in Cali with the guys helping them with some shit. I love you I'll be back soon!" I hung up and shut off my phone, cursing at myself.

"You're fine. I promise you won't feel her wrath." Davian smiled.

"I don't believe that." Shes terrifying.

Loving. But scary.

She once locked me in a room for a day by myself for getting back with the guy I said I was done with.

We were on and off. She got fed up after the fifth time, made me end it and kept me in a room with a mini fridge for a day.

That was the most minimal punishment.

I got back with a boy who cheated on me twice, she smashed my phone and refused to buy me another till I was done with him.

She's nuts.

"Well, we have to pack, meet us at 8 here for the plane to take us home?"

"Sounds good." I sighed.

Morana Alistar

I kept reading, ignoring the fact she left the state.

Because FUCK this book has me in a chokehold.

I nearly cried on the last page, not wanting this to be over.

I had Hunting Adeline but I needed to read The Ritual.

I stared at the ceiling and contemplated life.

What I would give for a man that fucking insane.

I looked up Zade fan art on Pinterest and he looks a lot like the boys. Without the blue eyes.

The depiction of the jaw, neck, body.

I shut my phone off before allowing myself some stupid shit to enter my head.

I made myself a salad of Romain lettuce, arugula, spinach, lemon juice and zest, a nice dressing, some mandarin orange slices and the inside of sunflower seeds.

I ate it, humming a song that's been stuck in my head for ages.

I debated doing work but I didn't feel like it.

My phone dinged.

Davian: Meet us at the East Wing at 8.
Me: ok

They stole Zara. Maybe they lied and want to hold her hostage for stupid shit.

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