22. Gaslight

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Morana Alistar

I stared at them for a while. When I got nothing I turned.

There were many screens showing my penthouse, and one showing my exact pinpoint location which I assume is through my phone.

"Hello? I'm fucking talking to you!" I looked at them once more.

Kieran's face was relaxed, Davian's was slightly more alarm.

"What does it look like?" Kieran asked.

"Like you're watching me." I glared.

"Look at that. Using your brain." He teased.

"Why the fuck are you watching me? Do you have nothing better to do?"

"No. Not really." Davian finished coming down the steps.

"I brought down a T-Shirt and two options of-"

"Don't change the subject. I have to go home."

Kieran laughed.

"To try to remove the cameras? Not happening, doll."

He crossed his tattooed arms over his body and I swear Zade Meadows Pinterest art pierced my mind.

"Or what? I can remove them if I want to. It's my house."

"It's our building. We are authorized those cameras. For security purposes." Davian now just looked bored.

"Get changed. I'll grab you a water. Kieran can you get the guest bed ready?"

"I don't trust her." He looked at Davian.

"I know but we can't hold her hostage."

"Eh. Agree to disagree."

"What?" I looked between them.

"She's gonna run, I mean... if she removes them we can technically sue her for ruining our property." Kieran touched his chin, thinking.

"Then we can do that. Or she can live her little mouse fantasy. Whatever she wants." He came back and gave me a water bottle.

His hand was on the small of my back.

He looked down at me.

"You're gonna stay put, right love? You won't give us a reason to not trust you." He pet my hair and I was being gaslighted right now.

It was fucking working. Not my proudest moment but fuck.

"I won't run."

"No. I want to hear you say you won't touch those fucking cameras. Fuck with your phone location all you want, we have no cameras in your room or bathroom but we can become real creeps if you make this difficult." Kieran walked around the couch and stood in front of me.

I didn't want to promise that.

"Can we remove a few of them? I don't like some of them." I trembled opening my water.

He took it, opening the bottle for me, "No. Touching."

"I have a right to privacy." I murmured.

Davian laughed, playing with my hair.

"You signed a business contract. It's like keeping cameras in my workplace to make sure my workers do well because they signed a contract to me. This is the same thing, beautiful. I'm sorry." Davian came behind me and wrapped his hand around my throat, the other around my waist holding be against him.

Kieran placed my water to my lips and had me drink.

"Good job, babydoll. Let's be a good girl tonight and we can discuss things tomorrow if these rules aren't clear enough for you. Alright?" He grabbed my jaw and I internally groaned.

"Fine." I whispered.

He leaned down, kissing me and I hated that it was so good.

I hated that I was turned on right now.

I hated that I felt fear.

I hated that I liked being gaslighted.

And I really fucking hated that I didn't mind them watching me.

He gripped my jaw harder, opening my mouth as I hissed in pain as he stepped closer, our chests touching, my throat held tightly, giving me a nice buzz as Kieran kissed me like he was never gonna see me again.

He pulled back, looking down at me, dominance clear in his eyes as he smirked.

"Blushing." He kissed my cheeks, my body being pulled to Davian's as he kissed me firmly, my mind spinning, his hand off my throat and fisting my hair instead.

I groaned at the sting from my scalp as he licked up my throat.

My hands were on his chest as Kieran held my waist, pressing his hard on firmly against my ass.

Davian hummed, tugging harder until I moaned and his teeth grazed my ear.

"Tell me what you're gonna do."


"Mmhm and after today?"

"Not touch the cameras."

"That's such a good girl. Our good fucking girl." He kissed my jaw, my body was tense, arched and pressed between them.

Kieran's hands moved to my hips, squeezing.

"You should get changed. Then how about we do some online book shopping to find more of the stalker romances you like so much?" He purred, speaking lowly in my ear.

I nodded.

"We will leave you alone. But after you've changed, come up to the double glass doors and we'll be there." Davian kissed me softy.

"I need help with my dress." I whispered in a weak, strangled voice.

Kieran's hands found my zipper and tugged at the same time as Davian pulled the ties of the dress apart on the bottom, the parts undoing, quickly as I held onto my ass and groin to keep me covered.

"Thanks." I whispered and they left.

My panties were soaked right now...

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