10. Hunt

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WARNINGNGNGNGN. ‼️⚠️⛔️☣️☢️‼️⚠️
It gets toxic. They become obsessed. They STALK HER. IT BEGINS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.

Kieran Richards

"She's so excited." I smiled.

He glanced at her with the TV we have connected to the cameras.

But he kept his gaze on his paper where he scribbled as he usually did whenever we had nothing to do.

I watched her like a movie. She searched through the boxes and gasped at all the books she found that she wanted to read first.

She held one to her chest in specific and I leaned forward.

"It's Haunting Adeline." Dav mumbled and I smiled.


He looked at me.

"I wanted to see how twisted she actually is." He looked at the screen with some sort of hunger before he kept drawing.

I looked at the scribbles before he hid it.

"No looking." He glared.

"I saw tits. Is that her?" I asked.

He stood.

"Privacy exists you know."

"When have we ever had privacy?" I asked.

"Now." He pulled the chair back and sat far from me.

I sighed.

I watched her push the boxes away from the entrance and to her room.

I cursed.

The only place I avoided cameras to try to give her some privacy.

I stood and left to my painting room, shutting the door behind me.

I looked at the unfinished painting in front of me.

A silhouette of what I love in a woman.

It wasn't completed as I began a while ago.

I have the throat and shoulders, the collarbones, the arms.

The hourglass figure.

But the rest was a black void.

But I felt I knew now exactly what I want from a woman.

I filled in the hips, expanding them.

I began the cleavage as I wasn't exactly positive on proper proportions yet.

I did the curve overlap of the thighs.

I added a line under the stomach and above the groin to add stomach definition.

I gave her a soft flexed shape but made sure the look was accurate.

Her stomach wasn't flat. It was soft. It had defining muscle marking but the rolls of her stomach when she slouched were a characteristic I hadn't realized I liked until recently.

I painted the background and made adjustments on the neck and collarbones to the chest.

When you looked at her from the side, she had two dimple-like indents on her chest before the swells of her breasts began.

"I found him!" A scream echoed and I turned.

Echo, our tech/hacker friend opened the door of my painting room and my heart was hammering as Davian came to see what was going on.

"Robert Leckenbee. He's now 37, was married to a woman named Morana Louis. It was an illegal relationship... blah blah blah... zip code 91331, 145 E. Center Ave." He handed me the paper.

I smiled.

"We have a business trip. Can you have Kate put in for a flight at 6am tomorrow to Cali? Hand her this as well." I said.

"Yes sir." He nodded and Davian handed him 2 hundred dollar bills.

"Thank you!" He ran out of our house.

"Who gave him a key?" I asked.

"He has the garage passcode."

I nodded.

"Pack everything necessary for torture. And I'll bring the camera." I said.


Morana Alistar

"Hey love." Davian came into my apartment and I smiled, shutting my book although Zade was making my body throb.

"Can I double check something?" He asked and I nodded.

"Was your birth name Morana Louis?"

I nodded.

"My mom's name."

"I assume post-husband you took fathers then?"


He hummed.

"Good to know. Just making sure. Anyways, Kieran and I have a stupid three day trip-"

"You found him." I said.

He shrugged.

"More or less."

"What's gonna happen?" I asked.

He came to the couch, lifting my legs before he sat, lying them over his own before rubbing my feet.

"What do you wish to happen?"

I shrugged.

"Do you want him to die?" He asked.

"Of course." I agreed.

"Well, how can I make you feel best about it?"

"I have a large... favor."

He nodded, green eyes piercing my own.

I looked at his tattooed hands, taking a breath.

"He stays with a bunch of men. They'll all hunt me down. They've all been promised me. Even if you kill Rob, the rest will look for me."

"Do you have names?"

I handed him a list.

"I'll get that handled. Is there anything I can do before I leave in the morning?"

"I'm not sure why you're doing this. But I'm so thankful. I don't want to have to run anymore."

"I only have one wish."

I nodded.

He stood, lying my legs back down as he grabbed my throat, lifting me from the couch, his hand larger than my throat.

His eyes were pinning mine in place.

"Stay in Las Vegas. This will be your main home. You'll tell us whenever you leave elsewhere." He said.

"I can do that."

He set me back down, massaging my throat where he'd grabbed.

"Have a great night, beautiful." He stood and I held my breath until the elevator shut.


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