3: Common Interest Between an Assassin and a Dog

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Chapter three <<<33333 I think I'm really funny when it comes to chapter names lol

Content warnings: Yelena angst idk that's the only way I can think to put it

Yelena leaned heavily against the wall, eyes trained on Kate's sleeping form. The moonlight filtered in through the blackout curtains over the windows, casting a silver sheen over the room. Lucky's deep doggy eye stared back at her from where he sat next to his human, his tail thumping softly.

"You are an excellent guard dog, Pizza Doggy," Yelena whispered to him, tilting her head to lean it against her own shoulder, her hip propped on the railing of the loft's edge.

Lucky whined quietly and licked his chops before flopping down, burrowing his nose under Kate's arm.

Yelena sighed and rubbed her eyes with one hand, using the other to run through her loose hair, catching a few tangles. A cluster headache was starting to form behind her brows.

"Oh, Kate Bishop. What am I going to do with you?"

Yelena had been hiding out in Kate's apartment for the past week or so, using the space as a safe house until she figured out what the hell to do with herself. The fight with Clint Barton felt like a lifetime ago, but the hours and days afterwards had been an absolute nightmare for the blonde assassin.

She recalled the tears, the makeup and sweaty hair in her eyes as she ran through the frozen and brightly lit streets of New York. People had yelled, dodged out of the way as she streamed past them in a blur of black and weaponry, honked as she weaved through traffic with no regard as to whether the streets were clear or not.

All she could hear was that whistle. Her whistle. Natasha's whistle. Something so special, because it was only for them. But Clint Barton had it too, which meant Natasha trusted him. Both with herself, and her little sister.

Yelena shook her head and pushed off of the wall, making her way silently back to the couch. She hadn't neared Kate's bed while she'd been crashing in the archer's apartment, always sleeping on the couch whenever she was able to close her eyes without the fear of seeing blood and death against the insides of her eyelids.

Tonight was not a night for sleeping, it would seem. Yelena stared up at the dark ceiling, her hands folded over her stomach under the fleece blanket she had found on the floor. The fan above her spun slowly, slowly, the blades a gentle whir in the muddy shadows.

Yelena had originally reasoned that she was staying in New York to get that drink Kate Bishop had mentioned, but once she had found the archer's apartment empty, she hadn't quite known what to do. She quickly ran out of excuses for her behavior.

She wanted to talk to Clint, to hear stories about Natasha. But he wasn't in the city either. Fine then- she would walk around New York to see the sights, experience the places and the people. But the tall buildings had quickly grown imposing, and without the promise of Christmas, the city seemed to lose most of its glow.

Maybe she would lay down on a bench in Central Park and just let herself starve until she faded away completely.


So she had decided to wait for Kate to get back from where she was presumably spending the holidays with Barton. Yelena bought more forks for the terribly bare kitchen, went through every single cupboard, drawer, and closet, (out of sheer boredom, really) and eventually did an entire and extremely extensive background check on the Bishop family. Again, she was bored. Not much else to do for the world's best child assassin, after all. She was trained to kill and calculate, not make herself at home.

Soft paw steps snapped her from her thoughts, and Yelena was sitting up in a flash, watching keenly through the dark as Lucky padded down from the loft to the couch to visit her. She held out a hand for him silently, and he licked at her fingers before flopping his head down on her knee in order to stare up at her.

"You didn't bark because you already smelled me around the apartment," Yelena muttered, running a hand over his golden head. "Clever dog. You would like Fanny. You are both very cute, but she is definitely smarter than you."

Lucky just grinned, his one eye sparkling absently.

Yelena huffed a laugh under her breath and petted him until he eventually made his way back to Kate. She watched him go, chest aching. She missed her own dog, her sweet girl. Maybe she would be able to fetch her from the canine hotel she was currently at and bring her here to crash with the golden retrievers. Soon. Maybe.

The assassin made another attempt at sleep, finally falling under hours later in a fitful rest. She had to figure out what to tell Kate Bishop in the morning.

After all, Yelena wasn't sure why she was still here, either.

I'm so iugewfdoiwuehdakjdgweasdfghjkl yknow??

Translations: none

Kate Bishop counter: 3

QOTD: Have you ever been outside your home country?

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