12: Haunted and Preyed Upon

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We are back at it, back againnnn. Here's another chapter! Yelena is gay and knows how to kill people <3

Content warnings: violence, blood, weapons, Yelena being a Black Widow Assassin

Yelena bit back a yawn and leaned her head against the couch, eyes heavy on the sleeping form of Kate Bishop yet again. The other woman had nodded off just half an hour ago, her hand clasped with Yelena's tightly, fingers threaded together. A cramp had been building in Yelena's neck for the past ten minutes, but she didn't have the heart to move and risk waking her friend. Lucky lay beside her on the floor with his head in her lap, his legs twitching with dreams and soft puppy snuffles floating from his nose. She petted him softly, playing with his velvety ears and humming under her breath.

"Bye, bye, Miss American Pie," she sang quietly, throat raw from her lack of sleep. Yelena knew her body was beyond exhausted, but she could not find it in her to rest.

Not with that man still walking free.

Yelena sighed and rubbed away the crick in her neck slowly, shuffling to her feet and bending down to slip her hands under Kate's back. She took a moment to brace herself before scooping Kate up into her chest with her arms under the woman's shoulders and knees, bridal carrying her carefully up the stairs and into her loft bedroom. The archer grumbled quietly and nuzzled into Yelena's neck, the brush of her lips hot on the skin of her collarbones. The assassin's breath caught in her throat, and she faltered for a moment on the steps, her feet unevenly placed. Fire licked down her spine, up her neck to her cheeks, over her ears.


Yelena sucked in a deep lungful of air and made the rest of the way up the stairs, gingerly setting Kate down onto her own bed. The archer snuggled down into her pillows right away, her limbs sprawling out to take up as much blanket space as she could. A smile tipped itself over into the curve of Yelena's mouth, and somewhere in her gut, as she watched Kate Bishop get comfortable in her sleep, as she realized that she would do anything for her, anything in or beyond reason, she knew she was in deep shit.


Yelena blew hot air into her hands and rubbed them together before sprinting across the rooftops of New York City, the dark, supple leather of her stealth suit silencing her footfalls as she stalked her prey. It had been almost physically painful to leave Kate back in her apartment for the second night in a row- granted, it hadn't hurt the first time, not like this. She had stayed away to spend time with her dog and let herself breathe, but this time around, she was out for blood.

And yet, and yet, and yet...

Yelena only wanted to go back to Kate.

She knew she would not touch her. She would not try to press close to her in her bed, to snuggle up with her and Lucky, to claim any semblance of that comfort for herself. She would not demand anything; she would not be selfish. Not with this. Not with Kate.

She would take care of business, and when she got back, if there was still time, she would crash back onto that ridiculously lumpy and still oh-so comfortable couch and sleep for a million years if the nightmares relented.

And then- and then...

Yelena didn't know.

Once again, not knowing was terrifying. But the prospect of Kate Bishop being there to guide her through it lessened the blow. If Kate wanted her. If Kate even let her stay. They had technically gone for drinks now; Yelena had no reason to keep bumming around. She needed a reason.

And maybe she had one.

Maybe Yelena needed Kate.

And what if Kate needed Yelena, too?

A groan broke the silence of the night, and Yelena dropped down to press herself to the cold rooftop, inching forward to peer over the lip into the alleyway below. Connor had only managed to drag himself a dozen blocks away from where he had tried to assault the two women less than two hours ago, and the sight of him struggling to limp along sent a sadistic thrill running down Yelena's spine.

She only truly enjoyed her profession outside of the chemically subjugated mind control when she was 100% sure her victim absolutely deserved to suffer.

And this man deserved to suffer.

She watched him for a moment to ensure that he had stopped to rest, taking in the pacing of his uneven breaths before shimmying down the building and dropping in front of him with hardly a sound. Her knives flew with deadly accuracy, and he was pinned down by the weapons piercing through his clothes before he could make a noise.

Yelena slammed him back into the wall with a hand pressed tightly around his throat, blood roaring in her head. "Thought you had seen the last of me, didn't you?" she seethed, eyes aglow with murderous intent. He choked and clawed at her arms, but she didn't budge an inch.

"Enjoy your last moments," Yelena hissed, a feral grin spreading over her mouth. She knew she looked insane, probably downright demonic, but the terror dripping from Connor only fueled her further, and she bathed in it. Without warning, she pulled the knives from his clothes and jumped back. "Run."

Connor scrambled to his feet and took off, his broken ankle wobbling at a disturbing angle. Yelena watched him go for a moment before whipping out her batons and following behind him at a leisurely pace, laughing loudly enough for him to hear her and therefore piss himself.

Enjoy your last moments, because I sure as hell will.

When Yelena caught him again, Connor began to scream, and she let his voice ring through the streets.

Hoo boy

Translations: none

Kate Bishop counter: 3

QOTD: What's your favorite dinner food?

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