4: The Angel of Death Made Me Bacon

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I thought this one was really cute I'm not gonna lie. I'm kind of a bacon whore myself so consider this chapter a small glimpse into the psyche of the author... /hj

Content warnings: lesbians lesbianing, adulting sucks, depression, medication

Kate peeled her eyes open to sunlight streaming directly on her face, and the archer let out a loud groan, rolling over and pulling a pillow over her head. What kind of psychopath opened her curtains?

"Kate Bishoooooop!" sang a voice from her kitchen, accent heavy and much too cheery for the morning. "I know you're awake, Kate Bishop! Come get your breakfast before I drag you out of bed myself! I am very capable of doing that!"

Kate jolted upright, head spinning as she took a moment to realize who was in her apartment. Right. Fucking Yelena. What time was it?

"What is it you Americans call it, once it's too late to actually have breakfast? Brunch?" Yelena called out, laughing a little to herself. "Very silly."

Kate grumbled unintelligibly under her breath and rubbed at her eyes furiously, desperate to wake herself up a bit more as she headed down to the kitchen. Lucky greeted her by the couch, tongue lolling happily as he gave a little bark before diving back into his bowl of mystery food.

"Did you get... premium dog food?" Kate mumbled out, eyeing her pup as he seemed to inhale the kibble. "I swear, he always refuses non-human stuff unless it's ridiculously expensive."

Yelena's laugh echoed around the kitchen again. "Secret recipe I give to my puppy, Fanny. My daddy says it's good for them."

Kate finally looked up to see the kitchen and stopped, the long legs of her pajama pants pooling around her feet as she came to a halt. Yelena had music playing from Kate's busted stereo, Taylor Swift's voice winding around the blonde as she swayed to the tune with a silver bowl of what looked like pancake batter in her arms. One of Kate's only cooking books was open on the counter, but looked rather untouched.

The assassin spotted Kate and gave her a dimpled grin, winking as she continued to stir the batter. "Good morning, Kate Bishop!" she sang, her voice melting into Taylor's. Kate could only stare, feeling dumbstruck and almost stupid. God, she was tired.

The sunlight slanted through her windows and laid over Yelena in soft lines, making her hair glow golden and her hazel eyes light up with fire. She continued to sing quietly and almost prance around the kitchen, completely unaware of the trance she had put the other girl in.

Kate jolted back when Lucky's cold nose pressed into her palm, and she ducked her head to pet him, face burning. Her mind went to weird places when she was sleep deprived.

Yelena set two plates down on the small table (again with two actual forks) and beckoned Kate to sit a couple minutes later, an easy smile on her lips. Kate had to force herself not to look at her. The plates were full of steaming eggs and bacon and fresh pancakes, and her mouth watered mercilessly.

Fuckin bacon...

Yelena somehow seemed to pull a bottle of hot sauce out of thin air, unceremoniously drenching her food in it with a happy sigh. "I missed hot sauce," she muttered almost dreamily, digging in once the bottle was nearly empty.

Kate blinked, unsurprised, and followed suit. (Sans hot sauce.)

Yelena once again finished before Kate, and she leaned back in her chair to watch the girl. "I cook good, yes?"

Kate just nodded enthusiastically, looking up from under her lashes with a mouth full of bacon. Yelena's breath caught, but she quickly laughed it away, the sound deep in her chest, eyes scrunched tight.

No More Excuses//KatelenaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ