21: But He's Just Some Scrawny Irish Dude

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Helloooo everybody welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome TO my YouTube channel I'm Kallmekris and you can call me Kris and today-

Lesbians!!! Hooray!
They are so gay it's not even funny but HEY now they're self aware and that makes things real fun >:)))
Also if you get the reference for the chapter title please let me know I will literally beg for your hand in marriage

Thank you guys so much for over 4.5k reads!!

Content warnings: they're literally just two simping idiots I can't. Also if you don't like to acknowledge their age gap then rip ig cuz I'm talking about it baby yahoo let's go (I'm sorry)

The next morning comes much too quickly.

Kate's cheeks are on fire as soon as she's awake enough to remember her name and the fact that Yelena is in her apartment and something clearly almost happened last night. She pulls a pillow over her head and groans into it silently. There was something with Yelena. A heat. A tension.

A goddamn heartbeat between the two of them.

Kate knew it was there. She knew that Yelena knew. She knew that Yelena knew that she knew. Everyone was aware and therefore freaking the fuck out.

"This is the opposite of how I thought my year was going to start, Pizza Dog," Kate mutters to Lucky, rolling over to look at him. He's still half asleep, paws twitching and eye opening lazily for only a moment before shutting again. "I thought it was just gonna be me and you for who knows how long, and we would just kind of exist here for a little bit until I figured out what I was doing. Maybe I would get a job off of archery. Maybe I'd become a vigilante. I dunno."

Lucky snores loudly in response.

"Thanks for the feedback, bud."

Meanwhile, down in the main room, Yelena is also predictably losing her shit. Fanny is laid completely on top of her, hind legs tucked neatly against the back cushions and head nestled into the crook of Yelena's jaw. The assassin's hands are buried in her scruff, ruffling the thick fur.

"I have never kissed anyone before, Fanny," she whispers to her dog, smoothing down her velvety ears rhythmically. "I always hated the idea, whenever I thought about it. It sounds gross and weird and pointless. I don't see the appeal." Fanny huffed in agreement. "But I think, maybe with Kate... I do not hate the picture of it so much."

The akita picked her head up to gaze at her, licking her nose. Yelena sighed, cheeks burning. "You're right; that would be silly of me. It's only been five days. I don't know anything about feelings. Especially my own."

She wrapped her arms tightly around her beloved dog, burying her face in the soft fur and breathing in deeply to distract her from the discouraged tears in her throat. "The Red Room made sure of that."

Fanny whines softly when she senses her mama's mood plummeting, and wiggles around to hop off of the couch and start doing a little dance on her toes and lick at Yelena's face. The assassin pushes her away at first, wanting nothing more than to curl up into herself and block out the emotions that she doesn't recognize, but her puppy was insistent and Yelena's has a mother's heart.

"Okay, okay, you pushy baby," Yelena laughs softly, sitting up and letting Fanny nudge between her knees to sit dutifully, tail thumping. "Ты такая глупая, моя красивая девочка, и я люблю тебя больше всего на свете." Fanny yips quietly and licks her cheek.

No More Excuses//KatelenaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum