14: Homocide. Homosexual?

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Chapter 14 already!! This chapter is silly and sad and goofy and upsetting <333

We're almost to 2k reads on this thank you guys so much <33

Content warnings: Blood, injury, arguing, depression, mental illness, hangover that I quickly forgot about and didn't write in at all

It is much too early to be awake, but Kate's eyes crack open either way. Something was off; besides the hungover headache pounding against her skull.

For instance, when the hell did she get to her bed?

Secondly- where was Yelena?

Lucky was sprawled out in a rather awkward looking position on the bed, his snores rumbling his fluffy chest. Kate stretched over to pet him, and the cold of his nose had the memories of yesterday springing back.

"Oh my god. Fuck. What the fuck."

Kate stares blankly, going over it all in her head before deciding she needs caffeine to function and properly think this through.

"Where's Yelena...?" she mutters to herself, standing to walk to the stairs but stopping immediately when she realizes she's still in the clothes from yesterday. "Jesus Christ."

The archer quickly changes into sweatpants and a college T-shirt, her bare feet on the cold floor waking her up a little. Lucky follows behind her lazily, feathery tail swishing. Kate stops halfway down the stairs, eyes drawn to the figure on her couch, and relief fills her to see her friend still here.

Yelena is sitting with her elbows propped on her knees, steaming mug in her hands and a thick blanket draped over her shoulders. She's facing the tv, but the screen doesn't flicker with entertainment. Kate's apartment is eerily quiet, the barest beams of sunlight struggling to filter in.

"Good morning, Kate Bishop," Yelena says flatly, not turning around. "You're up early."

Kate struggles to understand the blonde's tone. "Didn't sleep well, I guess."

Yelena gives a noncommittal hum and sips from her mug. "I made coffee. There's probably some left in the kitchen."

Kate forgets everything else for a moment and rushes her way to the counter. "You're a godsend, Yelena." She dumps creamer and sweetener into her cup and inhales half of the beverage without bothering to check the temperature, but even the new burn on her tongue couldn't keep her from caffeine.

"Did you move me to my bed last night?" Kate inquires out loud, cautiously walking over and sitting on the other side of the couch. Yelena's fingers are wrapped around her drink tightly, her lips pursed into a thin line. Her face is clean of makeup and her hair is loose over her shoulders, falling in easy, honey gold waves.

"Yes. You are easy to maneuver." Yelena still doesn't look at her.

"...Thank you," Kate says softly, taking a sip.

"How are you?" the assassin suddenly asks, her face finally turning to meet Kate's curious gaze. The archer does a double take at the deep bruises under her eyes, brows furrowed.

"I'm alright, I guess. Did you sleep?"

Yelena stares at her and seems to take a second to process what Kate asked. "...Yes."

"You're lying." Kate slaps a hand over her mouth, mentally screaming at herself for her bitten out response.

It's too early for this shit.

Yelena must be even more exhausted than she looked, because she doesn't even bother to try to pretend that Kate is wrong. She shrugs and turns back to the tv, staring at nothing. "Went on a walk."

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