Part 7

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   He got up from the bed and started to walk towards the balcony after taking out the cigarette . When he was out of the room and entered the balcony he lit up the cigarette and started to consume the intoxicated smoke. His gaze travelled to the balcony where his wife was playing without caring about her state and surroundings. He doesn't intended to kill the guard but it happened out of possessiveness. He didn't regretted it either. He was ready to kill each and every one who dared to stare at his wife in that way.

     He walked to the bed after throwing out the cigarette and stood in front of her. She can feel it, he was near her. Her body started to temble out of fear of what is going to happen. She prayed to God to keep her safe from him. Remembering the situation of the guard made her condition even worse. There is no one to question even if he kill her at this instant. Even though her eyes we're closed , some drops of tears started to move out from her eyes. She wanted to meet her family before she die. She wanted to have a last look of them before leaving the earth.

   "Open your eyes, I know you are awake ", her heart beat raised with his words making her condition worse, Sweat started to form on her forehead . Before he utter another word, she sat on the bed opening her eyes. But she doesn't have enough courage to stare into his eyes which might be holding lust in them at this time . She doesn't want to get intimate with him .She was scared to even look into his eyes and about intercourse, no way. She can feel his gazes on her , which were scaring her to the core.

    He sat in front of her and she immediately pulled her legs closer to her chest. He can see, the way her body was trembling and the way she was trying to ignore his stares. His fingers moved to her chin and he lifted her face. She was still avoiding the eye contact. "Look at me " His voice alone was enough to make her follow his orders. She slowly raised her lashes and finally met with his eyes which were ready to kill her if they had some powers. She wanted to push him away and run to her safe place but unfortunately there is nothing called safe around him.

   His inner voice was shouting loudly to punish her hard for crossing her limits . But before that he need to mention her limits. "Do you have any thing to explain " He gave her a chance to explain about her mistake which she was not aware of . She just stared at him not knowing what he was taking about. She just know it was about the guard he killed but what she have to explain about his deed. "Why are you roaming around with your body which was not covered properly? " She doesn't even know what he is talking about. "That guard was staring at you with lust and you are enjoying , isn't it? ", now she is getting little by little. So the guard was killed because he started at her with lust. " No" She whispered with fear. "Then why you never covered  your body  ",the clothes were proper but he is blaming her unnecessarily." Answer me " His voice turned bit scary  now but what answer he is expecting from her when she was correct from her side. "My clothes were proper only " Again a small whisper came from her. His hold on her law tightened making her hiss in pain.
"Is it? Then why your waist and clevage was seen when I looked at you " His hands travelled to her waist and pulled her closer to him. She doesn't know what to answer, his hold on her waist under her saree became tight as he got no reply from her . "You are roaming around with your uneven clothes and still defending you? " His hands were roaming under her saree making her cry.

    He kept roaming his hand on her waist and her tears were not stopping . "Answer me, how should I punish you? " His voice was calm yet scary. "I won't repeat it. Please leave me " She cried out loud in front of him beggin for mercy on her. But his stone heart, not even melted with her tears. He was intended to punish her and he will do it at any cost. "No excuses, just answer my question " She just started at the ground not knowing what to answer, even though she answer him, he will frame it as defending or answering him back.

    He pushed her on the bed and walked away from there. She closed her eyes ready to take whatever the punishment he was about to give her. She closed her eyes and prayed to God. When she heard his footsteps, she opened her eyes and looked at him. Her eyes widened after thinking about the punishment, he was standing infront of her with a whip ready to hit her with that. "Please no. " She cried even more out of fear but he showed no emotion.

   The first strike landed on her thigh making her scream in the pain. Another strike landed on her arm making it red instantly. She tried to crawl away from him but he was fast enough to catch her leg and drag her in the correct postion . With every hit, she screamed in pain making him smirk. "She might also felt the same", he thought and proceed to strike her with more intensity remembering a particular incident which lead to all these games and his hate towards them .

   Her screams felt like a music to his ears encouraging him to do it more. Her body was covered with little amount of blood and marks of the whip, still he showed no mercy on her. With evey strike, her voice was dropping along with her efforts and energy. He striked her hard for the last time and her body jerked violently. He thrown away the whip and got on to the bed.

   " Now,You,, " He held her face in his palm in a tight grip, "you will remember each and every strike before getting out in your dishevelled clothes " . "Even if you forgot, your husband is here to remind you again "..
" Your body is mine, you have no right to show or display it infront of others, if you do so, I won't even hesitate to cut it into pieces "his each and evey word was ringing in her brain loudly.

    He was still taking, She can feel his lips moving but his voice was inaudible. Soon black dots appeared infront of her vision and her head striked his chest loosing the consciousness. He held her in his arms and made her sleep on the bed, covered her with the blanked. He too got beside her and tried to sleep, but sleep was far wasy from him, her sobbings and her hiccups can be heard still. He  pulled her closer to his chest and tried to sleep but it was not helping either.

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