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Khalid is in the garden. Partially enjoying his morning walk and partiality busy thinking, trying to form an effective apology for Rayah.

"You seem very stressed Khalifa." Mir Zaman asks him.

"No I'm alright." He answers but Mir Zaman doesn't seem convinced by his answer.

"I won't be at the palace in the afternoon. I need to be somewhere."

"Alright I'll ask the gaurds to accompany you."

"No ! I'll be alone."

"But you fell ill yesterday. What if..."

"That was once. It won't happen everyday." He says sternly. " Besides the weather is good today." He says looking at the sky.

"Should I get Aslan ready ?"

"Yes." Mir Zaman simply nods.

A guard walks in. He nods at Khalid in respect and then whispers something to the Wazir.

Whatever he says causes Mir to look startled and concerned and he greets Khalid and leaves with him immediately.

That doesn't go unnoticed by Khalid but he chooses to ignore. There's something else, even more important, occupying his mind at present.

"I hope she's not upset. Ya Rabbi I can't stop worrying. I should have gone yesterday."

"What are you doing here ?" Hamdan asks him.

"When did you come ?" He clearly wants to be alone right now.

"Just now. Now tell me what you were doing ?"


"You don't look relaxed." Khalid makes a face at him.

"Wallahi why does everyone in this palace think that I'm the most depressed and sad person in the world ?"

"Ummm....because you look like that." Hamdan laughs. " Anyways you won't be able to relax any longer." He says casually.

"Excuse me ??"

"Hijazi's so called supporters are making a ruckus because I arrested Burhan and according them he's innocent and he should have been the General instead of Talen al Marwan."

"What nonsense is this ? No one said a word when I appointed him as general and who on earth are they to decide who's innocent and who's worthy ?" Khalid asks enraged.

"It's better you come. Only you can solve this now. I could have too but that would cause a few broken hands and legs to be scattered here and there."

They walk towards the courtroom.

"Where's Mir Zaman ?"

"Trying to calm those men."

"So that's why the guard was there."

"Yes I did send a guard but it was only Mir coming with him. So I came to look for you."

"They didn't tell me anything."

"Very nice." Hamdan smiles sarcastically.

They reach the courtroom but the door is closed. Khalid can clearly heat shouting and screaming.

He harshly pushes open the door. He pushes them so hard that it causes each door to bang hardly on the walls and it immediately draws everyone's attention.

Everyone stops what they were doing at the sight of their Khalifa. They all tip their heads in respect, holding high regard for him.

He walks in and goes and sits on his throne. His face is calm but there's a storm creating havoc in his head.

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