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"The food was so good. I absolutely loved it !" Taiba chirps.

"I'm glad you liked it." Fawzia pats her head. "Now you girls sit here and talk to each other I need to go back to teach the children."

"Should I go back to the shop then khala (maternal aunt) ?" Taiba get up immediately.

"No dear. The shop stays closed today."


"Today we just take a day off and get to know each other better." Rayah says putting her arm around Taiba's shoulder.

"Sounds fun." Taiba smiles.

"Alright now I'm leaving. Take care and stay safe."

"I'll close the gate and come." Rayah goes and securely latches the door.

"You know I'm glad that we are getting some time alone. There's something I wanted to share with you."

"Sure sure. Let's sit in the backyard. The weather is also very nice."

The go to the small backyard which has a small stable for Qamar, who's currently sleeping.

"Alright go on." Rayah nudges Taiba, her eyes shining bright with curiosity.

"Remember the first time I met you I was late ?" Rayah nods. "There's this man."

That instantly earns her a playful smile of Rayah.

"No listen to me. It's not like that." Taiba blushes.

"Ok I'm listening. You can blush though." Rayah teases her.

"Rayahhh." Taiba playfully pushes her away.

"Anyways tell me more." She nudges her.

"So I was about to leave my house and then he suddenly appears and he looks at me and he was so stupid that he mistook me to be my father, Jamal. And they he went on blabbering rubbish and went on asking weird questions until Baba arrived. Then..."

She pauses.

"Then ?" Rayah raises an eyebrow.

"Then he came again, today."

"Stop being so stressed. Tell me. I swear I won't judge regardless of whatever you say." Rayah looks at her sincerely.

"Alright so.....

Someone knocks at the door. Once, twice, thrice. With more force each time. As if the person was either impatient or with some other intention.

" Wallahi these people have no sabr !" She aggressively opens the door.

The person was about to knock again but he halts his movements seeing her.

"You again ?" She says in annoyance.

"Assalamualaikum." He says calmly.

"Waleakumassalam. How can I help you ?" She asks with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Did I scare you ?" He ignores her question.

"The only thing that scares me sayidi are your manners."

He bashfully runs a hand through his dark hair.

"No one has ever had a problem or complain against my manners until now." He tries to defend.

"No one ? Exactly how many women can we fit in this 'no one' ?"

He opens his mouth to reply but he stops. A smirk forms on his lips.

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