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Play Candy- Doja Cat🎶🎧

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Play Candy- Doja Cat🎶🎧

Jorja's Pov
It had been nearly two weeks since I last saw that beautiful woman while working at the diner. I know it was kinda weird of me to anticipate her return, but I couldn't help it. Something deep down in me wished she would become a regular customer out of the blue.

Sitting by a window in the nearly empty cafe, I found myself lost in a whirlwind of emotions and unanswered questions. Why did that woman's presence affect me so deeply? And why, despite our not-so-friendly interaction, did I still find myself thinking about her?

The idea of me developing a crush on her, or anyone for that matter, made me feel a bit ridiculous. It was enough to make me chuckle at myself. I've never actually experienced a genuine crush before. Sure, I've found people attractive, but not to that extent.

I always made an effort to avoid situations where I might face rejection. The fear of being turned away was deeply ingrained in me. It all started when I embarked on the quest to find my biological parents. The mere thought of approaching them filled me with apprehension, as I worried about not being embraced with open arms if I mustered up the courage to reach out.

Currently, the time read 6:50 on a Saturday afternoon, and my schedule lies empty. Typically, during weekends, I dedicate my time to scouring social media platforms in hopes of uncovering any traces of my familial connections. However, for some reason that was the last thing on my mind today. I literally know nothing about them, making it hard for me to find them in the first place.

Yesterday, after concluding my shift at the diner, I stumbled upon a venue known as 'The Red Room'. It piqued my curiosity enough to commit its name to my memory. The queue to get in was extremely extensive, extending around the entirety of the block.

The sight of it made me wonder how people could handle being in such a crowded place without feeling overwhelmed. It looked like a club, but I wasn't exactly sure. Judging by the attire of those gathered outside the building, I had a fairly good guess.

On one hand, I was intrigued, making me itch to go to the club and see what it was all about. But on the other hand, I had this nagging feeling, reminding me that I've never done anything like this before. I wasn't quite prepared to tackle that kind of scenery, especially since I didn't have anyone to experience it with.

However, deep down, I knew that if I didn't push myself and step outside my comfort zone, I wouldn't be able to grow as a person. Though, if I were to start that journey now, I know I should probably begin with something less intense than a club. But I really wanted to go.

Doubt kept creeping in like an unwelcome guest. I had never been much of a risk-taker. I preferred the familiar, the comfort of routines and familiarity. The thought of stepping into a crowded club, surrounded by strangers, made my stomach churn with unease.

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