𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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Have you ever heard the sound of rain? Heavy rain. Hitting off a dirty window, not that it matters if the window is clean or not. It all sounds the same.

Stupid question, right? I mean, you must have heard rain before. No matter where you are from, it will always rain, and it all sounds the same. Like how most math questions sound the same, well, to me anyway. I've never been good at math. Which explains why i'm more focused on rain hitting a window that desperately needs to be cleaned rather than the red-faced man wearing a cheap suit explaining..what was he talking about again?




I don't really know.
I should know
but i don't.

I don't pay attention very often. It's not that i don't try i do try, really i do. It just gets so mind numbingly boring that my mind begins to drift to other topics, like, for example, did you know that, now you really need to pay attention to this because you won't believe it, i didn't believe it either, If you sneeze too hard, you could fracture a rib! Imagine going to the hospital and explaining that you had just snee-

"Are you even paying attention?"

A booming voice came from the front of the classroom, slamming against the walls and ambusing my ears, stealing my thoughts.


"Aye sir."

A few seconds of silence, heads shifting towards the back of the class. Each of them snickered, and they just wouldn't be able to wait to tell their parents about what had happened in class today, assholes.

Each and every one of them is nosy assholes.

"Well, if you were listening, you could answer the question, yes?"

Mr, looks more like a Mrs, Cliff stands with a cocky grin, a shit eating grin.

He must feel like such a man humiliating me in front of these nosy assholes.

Bunch of bastards.

A bunch of false faced assholes.

"No sir, i didn't understand the question. Could you repeat it?"

I spoke with a sickeningly sweet voice, a smile creeping it's way onto my face rather than the usual frown.
I have to be nice, you just have to be nice in times like this.

"Perhaps if you weren't so distracted by the butterfly's you would have heard the question."

That fucking asshole.

He stood there, in his cheap suit, red faced, with a shit eating grin. He stood there with his messy suit, his disgusting fucking face and his crooked teeth. He stood there-

I don't have a lot of patience, i never have. I've been expelled and suspended, kept in at lunch kept in at break, had sweet talks with the teachers where they would ask :

"Is everything okay at home dearie?"

I act out, without thinking of course, if i actually thought what i was about to do i would never do it. My dad thinks i have some sort of autism, my mother thinks i'm just a little shit.

Both could be correct, the little shit one being the most correct in my families opinion, but in reality


I just didn't like to be disrespected.

Which has now lead to this moment, fueled by small giggles, shit eating grins and that stupid fucking suit.

My hand clutching the uncomfortable blue chair before throwing it across the room with difficulty, slamming into the man which causes him to fall against the whiteboard and let out the bitchest little whine.

See, if i had thought about this, i most likely wouldn't have done it.

An hour later

"I cannae fucking believe this."

Tights hands wrapped around the steering wheel with an even tighter lipped frown, this is how you could tell my mother was annoyed, actually beyond annoyed. The accent normally gave it away, when it got thick like that you knew she was about to explode, my dad likes to call it the warning shot.

"I mean is that what yer fuckin doing noo? Throwing fucking chairs?"

Her voice was starting to get louder, her eyes were on the road but i could tell she was doing that thing where her left eye twitches, it always does when she's stressed. Started happening more when my little brother, sister, my little sister was born and wouldn't stop screaming in the middle of busy shops.

"Gonna fuckin answer me before i pull over and slap you up and down that fucking pavement?"

Her voice has now turned into a yell, casting a quick glance towards me from the front seat. Her blonde hair following the movement, she dyed it when she was younger, wasn't a fan of being ginger because of the nicknames she would receive and the obvious stereotype.

She had never hit me before, well one or two slaps when i was being a little shit but she would never go further than that. She was a good parent she just had a short fuse.

"He was making me angry, made me feel stupid."

I could barely mumble that out, I didn't like talking to her when she was like this because she just wouldn't listen.

"So, you had this fantastic, certainly not stupid idea of throwing a FUCKING CHAIR AT HIM?"

The yell travels around the confined space of the car, making me wince, she didn't need to be so fucking loud sometimes.

"You don't get it."

I mumble, fidgeting with my fingers, taking a moment to run my fingers over the small bump against my middle finger.

Ha, fingers.

Get it?


You know I've began to notice how weird my fingers are, they are slightly bent or weirdly long. You can easily point out the four fingers i have broken in my lifetime, all caused by the same thing but at different times.

Crazy right?

Also crazy how i didn't learn not to do that thing, that thing being me attempting to close the garage doors to my dads mechanic place, whatever you call it, but pulling my hands away too slow.

"Are you even fucking listening to me?"

My mother snaps, her eyes on the mirror, watching me. The only thing i can actually see from that mirror is the bright red car behind us and my terribly dyed pink hair, I'll need to dye it again, my roots are coming in.

"You know what? Nevermind. It is pointless even trying to speak to you sometimes Katherine."

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