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It was the night of Rohini Nakshatra.

All the planets, stars and constellations were assuming peaceful aspects. All the directions became clear and propitious, despite the continuation of the rainy season in the month of Bhadrapad, the sky became illuminated with innumerable clusters of stars shining unobscured.

The earth with its towns, villages, settlements of cowherds and mines revelled in auspicious festivities. The waters of the rivers became crystal clear; the lakes were blooming with lotuses; the rows of forest trees laden with bunches of flowers were resounded with swarms of the sweetly humming bees and cooing of birds. A pure, cool breeze wafting sweet fragrance blew delighting in its touch.

And just as the final scream escaped the lips of Devaki, the sacred fires maintained in the houses of the twice-borns, which had been extinguished by Kamsa, burst into flames, on their own.

As the eighth incarnation of Narayan was born as the eighth child of Devaki and Vasudev, in the eighth month, before the full period of pregnancy was over, the oceans trembled, mountains moved and the flames of fire turned peaceful.

The stellar bodies were shining, and without being struck the drums of gods sounded in heaven. The gods showered flowers from above and sang praises of Narayan.

Devaki and Vasudev were awestruck, as they saw their child, he was dark in complexion like the clouds carrying bountiful rain, his chest had a srivatsa mark, his lips that were curled into a smile were red like the fruit of bimba, his eyes were big like lotuses and his head was full of curly hair. He had the handsome features of numberless Kaamdev and had a brilliance that surpassed billions of suns.

He had an uncommon splendour that was incomprehensible, as he gurgled happily in Devaki's arms. She had tears of pure joy and sheer delight falling down from her face, but she didn't even realise it for she was lost in the all-attractive divine face of her son.

Suddenly Vasudev heard a voice inside his head, a voice that boomed like thunder, yet was soothing like rain.

'Vasudev, shigreh mujhe Gokul ke mukhiya Nand ke ghar le chalo. Aur Nand ke patni Yashoda se janmi kanya ko apne saath wapas le aao.'

Vasudev was puzzled, how could he possibly bring his son to Gokul when he was trapped within the confines of a heavily guarded prison ?

But suddenly, the iron shackles that had mercilessly bound him fell to the ground, releasing him from their grip. Before he could even fathom, a resounding clank echoed through the air, causing him to swiftly turn his gaze.

To his astonishment, the prison gates stood wide open and the once giant locks dangled from their hinges. Vasudev's lips parted in awe as he beheld this extraordinary sight. He looked at the guards whose eyes were wide open, but unmoving, they all seemed to have been frozen in some sort of trance.

He looked back at Devaki, she too seemed surprised at this miracle.

"Hume vilambh nahi karna chahiye Devaki." Vasudev said.

Devaki clutched her child, "Parantu..."

"Isse pehle Kamsa ki drishti humare aathve putra par pade, hume ise ek surakshit sthaan par le jana hoga. Mai ise Nand ke ghar chhod aayunga. Yeh swayam Vishnu ka aadesh hai." Vasudev said.

Devaki was hesitant yet she relented for the safety of her son. She handed him to Vasudev, who placed him in a basket of garments kept nearby and wrapped the baby in a cloth, ensuring that he shall feel no possible discomfort in the journey.

Devaki's heart was heavy as she took one final glance at her precious child, before Vasudev left their cell, carrying the basket in his arms.

He strode past the frozen guards, his determination unwavering, until he finally emerged into the open. However, his progress came to an abrupt halt as he stood on the threshold of the prison house, confronted by a torrential downpour. Even the mighty Indra himself seemed compelled to pay homage to the lord.

Momentarily hesitating, he cast a glance at the newborn in the basket, but ultimately, he braved the elements and stepped outside.

To provide a shed to his beloved lord, Sheshnaag, the infinite serpent, appeared behind Vasudev, unfurling his majestic hood to shield Narayan from the relentless rain. Vasudev realised that the raindrops were not touching him, and a mysterious light was lighting his waves.

He gazed upwards, his eyes widening in astonishment as he beheld Adishesh looming above him. The mighty serpent had unfurled his thousand hoods, forming a protective shield against the relentless downpour. And the resplendent gems adorning his hood emitted a radiant glow, illuminating his path with a celestial light.

Vasudev soon arrived at the banks of the Yamuna, his heart sinking at the sight of the river's tumultuous waves, rising higher and higher in the midst of the storm. Even the river yearned to touch the feet of her beloved lord, to cleanse his divine lotus feet with her sacred waters.

Yet, cognizant of the urgency of the moment, Vasudev hoisted the basket above his head and stepped resolutely into the swelling river. Witnessing her lord being lifted beyond her reach, the sacred river surged with even greater fervor, her waves reaching ever higher in a desperate attempt to caress his divine feet.

Yamuna raised her waves so high, that she almost submerged Vasudev. But the little form of the lord, moved his feet outside the basket. And when the river finally touched his lotus feet, the water level receded, and to Vasudev's utter amazement, the Yamuna split into two, creating a clear path for him to cross.

 And when the river finally touched his lotus feet, the water level receded, and to Vasudev's utter amazement, the Yamuna split into two, creating a clear path for him to cross

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Vasudev stood in awe, his eyes wide with amazement, as he witnessed this extraordinary spectacle. With renewed determination, he continued his journey, traversing the river. And once he reached the bank, the content Yamuna once again began flowing naturally.

Now that all the hurdles were crossed, Vasudev finally reached Gokul. The entire village was asleep in a similar trance which had kept the guards of Kamsa frozen. It didn't take Vasudev long before reaching the house of Nand, his cousin. Though everyone was in deep sleep, the doors miraculously got opened for him to enter.

Vasudev entered the house and went straight in the room of Nand, where he was asleep with Yashoda, who had become unconscious from the moment she had given birth, even before she could see her child.

Vasudev went towards the cradle and saw a newborn girl, whose resplendence surpassed that of the sun, fast asleep. The chief of Vrishnis quickly kept his son beside her, the lord looked at his eternal sister and smiled as Vasudev picked up the girl and placed her in his basket.

With a last glance of longing on his child, Vasudev left just as swiftly as he had come, taking the girl with him as he was told to do so.




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