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Levi looked into your eyes, his eyes wider and his lips parted, still enjoying your taste inside his mouth. While still holding your soft skin with both of his hands, he gazed down at your lips, then slowly back into your eyes. A slight frown marked his thin eyebrows - he felt his body freeze, shivers running down his spine. He couldn't move even if he wanted to, completely paralyzed by the realization: he had never felt that way before, had never experienced such an intense rush than before kissing your lips and holding you tight.

What was it about you, he asked himself, that made him feel this deeply? Were you feeling the same? He felt your hand slowly reaching his jaw, a burning sensation lingered on his skin as your fingers gently pressed themselves on his neck - the feeling of longing again, completely overtaking every single thought that ran through his head. He heard your breathing, slow and gentle. He thought about making love to you right there - if he had been able to properly move his body by himself, he would certainly pick you up and take you to his bed, rip every single piece of clothing you were wearing and make you his own. He wouldn't stop until you had moaned his name so deeply that he wouldn't be able to contain himself any longer.

Right as he felt his body harden, he saw you pulling away from him, quickly picking yourself back up. He looked up at you, now feeling incredibly small and insignificant. He wondered what you were thinking, if you were burning for him as well. He asked himself if you felt uncomfortable, if that was the reason as to why you pulled away from his body.

Your lips quivered - a particular expression invaded your eyebrows and eyes. Sadness? Worry? Levi couldn't quite tell. That is, until you spoke.

'You need to get some rest, your surgery is tomorrow'

Levi frowned slightly, confused as to what was going on between you two. Why were you feeling so uneasy?

'I...guess so. Don't think I'll get much sleep though'

He watched as you nervously looked at your feet, trying to escape his gaze. He wondered why you were pretending as if you two hadn't just kissed passionately. He felt such a rush of emotions he couldn't quite comprehend...yet...everything seemed so simple around you. Even when he couldn't quite decode every feeling he was experiencing, a sense of calmness would still run in the background. He just deeply hoped you were not feeling uncertain about him. He hoped that uneasiness was just a reflection of your shyness.

You brushed strokes of your hair behind your ear and placed your gaze back onto Levi's pupil. Your lips parted, your cheeks growing a crimson red color. He quietly observed as you forcefully placed a gentle smirk on your lips.

'Then...I would like for you to sleep here tonight, if that's okay'

Levi's eyes widened - he didn't expect those words to come out of your mouth at all. His expression seemed to make you feel more tense. There was such an unpredictability to you - he felt shocked and amused simultaneously. His gaze then softened, his lips still curled downward. He quietly nodded and strolled himself closer to your bed, placing himself across your figure and looking up at you, unspokenly asking for your help.

You quickly ran your fingers across his body, placing both of your arms around his waist, tightening him in a firm embrace. He placed both of his arms over your shoulder, feeling the back of your neck with his fingers. Both of you looked into each others eyes as you gently lifted him upwards, slowly but firmly pulling him into a standing position.

His numb leg laid still over your foot. He grabbed you by your forearms, balancing his body gracefully. You were now facing one another, still looking into each others eyes. He realized this was the first time you'd seen him properly standing up.

He was slightly taller than you - he thought to himself, gently smirking in silence. You then proceeded to place his body onto the bed, delicately helping him pull his legs onto it and place his body horizontally. You joined him, not before removing your long skirt. Your long sweater covered your thighs, not revealing your underwear. Levi observed your legs and found himself lost in the softness of your skin.

You slowly turned yourself to your side to face him - your head gently pressed on his shoulder, your hands resting on his chest. Levi continued to observe you as you closed your eyes, feeling your warmth and calmness. He placed his hand on top of yours, feeling as if his skin was on fire from the proximity to you.

Just laying next to you provoked the same lust within him as kissing you - there was something about the intimate nature of just laying next to your body that excited Levi in a way he had never experienced before. Even if he deeply desired you, he didn't need to fuck you. He didn't need to see you naked. He was perfectly content with your presence, with your touch, with your skin against his. He paid attention to every sound coming out of you - every breath, every slight movement.

He experienced the best sleep he ever had that night.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now