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It didn't matter, you thought. It truly didn't matter how much you would allow yourself to melt to his touch, to breathe into the peaceful intimacy that had grown between you and Levi: it would always come to this. As you stared down at the ground, now back to the camp all of you had set up, you truly understood how little control you had of this situation. All of you. Strength, bravery, love. None of that mattered anymore.

'I didn't know what to do', Armin whispered as he held onto the bloody knife. He was sitting on the ground, straddling the bloody figure that lay under him. You could sense his body and breath shaking as he sat there, his gaze completely lost. The rest just stood there, surrounding the scene. You quickly glanced at Mikasa as she covered her mouth with her hand, his other hand grabbing Jean's sleeve.

'You did just right. You protected us',  as he extended his hand onto the young man, you observed how Levi's raven hair framed his expression. The moonlight decorated his skin beautifully, a sense of sadness slightly tinting his eyes. He remained stoic with his lips pressed as Armin held onto him, pulling his body up from the ground. Once he got close, Levi  pulled him into a one armed hug, covering himself in blood in the process. As you observed this you could feel your own eyes begin to sting.

'He...I don't know how he got here', the blond whispered as he let go of the knife. The sound of it falling to the ground prompted you to look at the body that lay before you all. He was definitely a Warrior.

'We need to get moving. Now', Levi ordered as he pulled away from armin. We all nodded in approval and began to take the camp down and get the horses ready.

Sometimes you would find yourself not thinking at all. Your thoughts would be completely blank, empty. Ever since you were pretty young, this would happen to you occasionally. Throughout the years, you tried to detect a certain pattern, figuring that maybe these moments of emptiness had some deeper meaning behind them. But you found nothing. No conclusions came out, all you knew was that for some apparent reason, your mind would collapse into nothingness, and every time you'd come back into consciousness, you would find yourself feeling as if you were dreaming. As if what was happening around you wasn't real at all. 

You felt it that night, as you road your horse besides Levi. The crisp air suddenly felt heavy against your skin, quickly waking you up from your darkness. And once you were there again, with everyone riding their horses around you, you found Levi's gaze placed onto yours sternly, concern palpable in his grey eyes.

'Are you okay?' he asked directly. All you could give him was a hazy nod. As you looked up at the sky, you noticed it as almost dawn. Knowing that hours had gone by while you were in that state of mind scared you. You suddenly felt overly aware of your hands and the way you were holding onto your horse. Your body felt yours, in the strangest way possible. Levi's gaze remained locked onto you, and you noticed through your peripheral vision. Part of you didn't want to worry him, but deep inside, you understood you should share this with him at the right time.

'There, I see the town!', Reiner yelled. You felt as if everyone had let out a collective sigh of relief. All except Levi and you. You both knew this wouldn't end here. The next hours would be crucial to everyone's survival, and none of you knew the dangers that could await in tow.

'Where to, once we arrive?', Levi glared as he inquired this to Reiner. 

'To my mother's', he sighed.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now