Moan 🍋

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A/N: I want to quickly thank everyone who has been reading this story. I feel so happy to see you add this to your reading lists and vote for it! It means the WORLD to me :)

NSFW - Enjoy!


You had been spending the last couple of hours sitting by the bonfire with Levi, as both of you drank the wine he had brought, straight out of the bottle. You could tell this wasn't his usual scene - he wasn't fond of alcohol to begin with, but he still wanted to do something special for you, and that meant a lot.

'Does it gross you out? Sharing the bottle with me?' - you asked jokingly as you sipped more wine.

'A bit, yes - you're quite disgusting, you know' - Levi smirked as he placed both of his hands over the bonfire, trying to gather more warmth.

'I knew it. Knew you hated me'.

The night was extremely cold, and after almost finishing the entire bottle, you decided it was time to enter the tent.

Once you got inside, you could observe how Levi had placed a similar scene to what you both shared the night before: there were pillows and blankets decorating the ground, surrounding by deliciously smelling candles. The tent was quite warm somehow, so you decided to take off your coat as you sat on the blankets. Levi took off his jacket as well, revealing his uniform shirt. It fitted him perfectly, you thought to yourself as you continued to admire his body. He then slowly approached you, sitting across you on the ground. He had an odd look in his eye, something you had never noticed before that night. You could feel your cheeks flushing in a crimson red color, as it always happened when you'd drink a bit too much...

'Levi... are you drunk?' - you giggled as you said this, feeling the warmth of your own face completely invade you. He rolled his eyes as you said this, then glared at you with his lips pressed.

'Of course not' - he frowned as he said this, as if trying his hardest to remain serious. But to no avail - you had noticed he was inebriated and found it oddly adorable. He would always be in complete...control, of every situation, every circumstance. Seeing him like this made him even more human somehow.

Soon enough, you found yourself talking about many things with Levi. You'd had placed your back against the blankets and Levi followed, placing his hand behind his head as he listened to you talk about everything and nothing. He would smile to himself whenever you'd mumble or slur your words...

'I don't really like wine that much, booze gives me headaches' - you sighed, your gaze locked on the ceiling, as did Levi's. 'I think people drink to feel more confident in themselves'.

'Do you feel more confident now?' - he asked, slowly turning his face to you.

'I always feel confident when I'm with you' - you looked back at him grinning. His gaze was locked onto yours as he parted his lips slightly. His cheeks looked flushed, a red color invading his face. You'd never seen Levi blush before that day.

'Thank you' - he whispered, his eyes slowly closing and opening again. You felt a deep sense of calm after he said this to you, as if what you had revealed meant more to him than you could even imagine. You then turned your body to the side, placing one of your hands under your cheek, completely facing him as you held your gaze onto his. 'I've been meaning to ask you something' - you whispered. He held his look onto yours, waiting for your words. Then, you exhaled: 'Have you ever been in love before?'.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now