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Levi stared into your eyes, almost too scared to observe the rest of your figure. He noticed you looked tired and restless - a strange, still expression in your watery eyes. How was it possible that you were in such disbelief? Did you truly not remember shifting into a titan?

As these questions raced through his head, he suddenly heard himself speak up.

'Leave us, all of you' - everyone looked at Levi as he said this, quickly standing up to leave. He saw Mikasa look into your eyes and then stand up with the rest of the old squad, exiting the tent rapidly.

He decided to keep his distance, now crossing his arms over his chest again. He pressed his lips together and noticed his jaw clench - it was too uncomfortable, being around you. Just last night he had felt he could trust you with all of his heart - that he loved you so deeply, no matter what happened. And what saddened him was knowing he still loved you - even after seeing you turn into a monster, even if this meant you had betrayed him somehow. So many thoughts and emotions emerged from within him, leaving him completely speechless as he stood right in front of you. You then looked down at your hands - Levi observed how you noticed your skin texture; it was different since you had shifted some hours ago. Strips of flesh were also decorating your eyes. He couldn't help but think about Eren and everything he had been through the last years - every person he had lost to him.

The possibility of losing you... it all felt too much.

'Levi...' - you whispered as he continued to look into your eyes. You looked absolutely helpless, but still - how could he know exactly that you were innocent? You could've been fooling him all along for all he knew.

'Don't. Before you say anything, listen to me' - as he sighed he grabbed a chair and sat on it backwards, facing the back of it, with both of his legs around it. He then placed his forearms over the back of the chair as he felt himself leave out a deep breath.

'I knew someone who didn't know he could shift. He genuinely had no clue until he did it one day... See, he was pretty stupid, so not knowing about being a fucking titan made sense at that time. He used his presumed innocence and his monstrous power to help the Survey Corps, to help humanity.' - he paused and looked at the ground, feeling himself grow more and more emotional. He contained his feelings and continued.'Until he decided to destroy humanity, and he almost did so' - he sighed deeply.

'Eren...' - you whispered, a deep frown forming over your eyes. Levi continued to look into your eyes, a cold expression on his face.

'Precisely. I...loved him. And he...he betrayed me. He betrayed all of us. I don't care what my squad thinks - this, I know. He betrayed me. And to think he once was an innocent boy who didn't know he could shift into a titan. Do you see my point here?' - he released those last words with such assertiveness, with suck lack of feelings, you could only stare at him silently. Your mouth remained agape as another tear streamed down your cheek.

Levi noticed this but tried his hardest not to react.

' you trust me?'

'Do you think trust has ever gotten me anywhere, (Y/n)?'

'Yes...It has...Look at your old squad. Look at what you built! You helped save humanity!'

'As I told you once...we barely saved ourselves' - he sighed and stood up, turning his body around to walk back and forth inside the tent, as if trying to gather his thoughts. You stood up from the bed and stood still. As Levi turned around, he allowed himself to observe you completely. You were laying in your nightgown - that same nightgown he had changed you into the previous night, after you shifted. And suddenly... memories came back to him - memories he couldn't hold back, no matter how much he tried to. He recalled how your body emerged from itself, suddenly magnifying into something truly horrific; the color of your skin turning crimson red in totality, as if emulating human flesh but in a titan form. Your eyes had turned completely black and your hair now longer than ever, and pitch black. You had turned into a fifteen meter titan, with a defined female shape and demonic look in your eyes. He recalled Annie's screams when the three of you observed you grow taller and taller - how Reiner had pushed him back so he wouldn't be crushed by your growing body.

He quickly came back. And as he did, so did his uneasiness in your presence.

'You knew it, all along you knew it and you pretended you didn't...' - he felt his gaze widen as he came to the realization he had been suspecting ever since you shifted the previous night. The memories had somehow helped him confirm his theory.

'Of course I didn't! Levi - why would I hide that from you?' - you yelled as you approached him quickly, but before you could get any closer, he grabbed onto your wrist tightly with his hand. He needed to keep his distance from you.

'If you didn't know, why did you take your necklace off last night, when things were escalating between Reiner and I?' - he almost screamed his words onto your face as he felt his jaw clench hard. He looked into your eyes for answers but he got nothing - frustration increasing within him. You remained silent as he continued to grab onto your wrist - your face expressed absolute emptiness and confusion, with your lips parted and eyes frowned. Levi could feel your body become less tense, as if you weren't resisting his grip anymore.

'Levi...I...don't know...I was trying to...' - you whispered, a genuine look of desperation invaded your eyes. Levi parted his lips as he continued to stare into your gaze. The lack of answers only brought more and more questions into his head. He felt hurt and betrayed, but deep inside, he knew that your reaction was seemed true. That somehow made him feel worse.

'You don't know? You don't know much, do you? You don't know where you got that fucking pendant, you don't know why you sing to Ymir, you don't know why Eren didn't take you to The Coordinate years ago, you don't know you are a fucking titan! How am I supposed to trust you, (Y/n)?' - he yelled at the top of his lungs, not even caring if people at the camp could hear him. He would've been protective of you in the past, but he felt such a deep sense of distrust within him he just couldn't care any longer. You then pushed him away with your free hand - a look of agony in your eyes. You looked deeply hurt as you covered your mouth and cried silently. You then fell onto your knees as you continued to look at the ground. Levi felt himself breathing heavily as he looked at you, completely devastated at the situation. He didn't like hurting you, he didn't like the fact that he was the source of your pain.

He just felt utterly defeated.

'Levi...I thought I was...dreaming...' - you whispered, as you continued to look at the ground. He raised an eyebrow as he heard your voice, his lips parted in confusion.

'What are you saying?'

'Ymir...I thought I was dreaming. When I shifted...I didn't mean to... I was trying to get away from the confrontation...I needed to get away...and...'


'I saw it, Levi. I saw The Coordinate. I saw...her'

Levi's gaze widened, he felt himself silently gasp as he tried to gather his thoughts yet again. He then slowly approached you as you continued to weep quietly. He got himself on his knees right in front of you, this prompted you to look up at him, an empty yet grieving look in your eye.

'Tell me everything you saw'.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now